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Cultivated Reef



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I've ordered from drsfostersmith.com several times for supplies, and twice with liveaquaria.com. They're very good and reliable sources for supplies and pets.


I've never bought the 12g. nano-cube, but you've come to the right place because there are several people that have them here. One of my LFS's carries the 12g. nano, and they've set one up as a display with a 3" sand bed and about 10-12 lbs. of Live Rock.


You can keep hardy deep water corals in them, such as most small soft corals, and a fish or two. The one in my LFS has cluster dusters, a rose bubble tipped anemone, one clownfish and a half dozen snails in it.


Probably not the best choice for SPS corals and T.maxxima clams (without major modifications) but they're attractive little tanks.

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