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Coral Vue Hydros

Splinun's 33g Rimless


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This thread will serve as a journal for the life of my tank so in years to come I can see how it's progressed. I changed my tropical set-up (Had for two years ish) over last month. I added a small CUC which are all doing well.


FTS 18/06/11





Tank: 33g

Rock: 20kg (44lbs) Fiji Live Rock

Sand: 20 lbs Live Caribsea sand, 10-15 lbs plain sand

Lights: DIY 36w LED lighting 27 RB and 9 CW @ 1w each

Flow: 2x Cheap powerheads off ebay, 30x water turnover

Heater: Tetratec 100w

Skimmer: V2 120 Skimmer



2x Percula Clown

Coral Beauty



1 Peppermint shrimp



4 x Tonga Nassarius

4 x Superturbos

4 x Spiny Astreas

11 x Cibanarius Hermits (Scarlet)

1 x Conch





Toadstool's (2 frags and a large one)


I am not sure on fish stocking yet, I know I want 2 clowns and a BSJ but not sure what else to put in, (any suggestions?) Looking to add either an external filter or a sump in a few months time, problem is me and my girlfriend really want a yellow tang but I know I can't have one.

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Ok, I got back home today, I had some Freeze Dried Mysis, I gave it to the peppermint and wow, he/she LOVED it, everything in the tank seems quite content, my params are good and been quite stable for a while, may add a clown or two in the next few days, still holding off on the corals so far, I might get some low light corals after a bit more research. Really enjoying this experience thus far and taking this steady, one thing everyone needs more of is money in this hobby...


Also forgot to add that I made a DIY Jawfish house, it is quite big and in a month or so before it goes in I will make a more snug home for it.



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Ok, today I fitted a 72 LED set that I got off from ebay, looks pretty snazzy I think...


Here it is in action...




On a seperate note, tomorrow I am going to get my first fish. I'm going to get a clown of some sort, probably just a regular clown, will probably be my last purchase for a while!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Had a massive overhaul since I last posted, I have taken the rim off the tank (took two hours to get the silicone off : /). I also added a skimmer and built my own LED lighting set-up. I'm really happy with the tank at this stage, I have no plans for SPS so lighting will do fine for LPS in the top half of the tank. I am planning to move in the next 6 months and when I do I will be upgrading the lights even more to evils par38's :)


So far the coral beauty hasn't started eating any of the corals yet... Lets hope this continues :)


Now for some images... The old and the new...





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Sorry, been busy the last few days, works got busy and other things in life are taking over. The tank is a 33g. I have no big plans for it at the moment (lack of money). I'm going to let the tank mature for a while then really gunna get going with some corals!

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  • 7 months later...
Love the tank.


what are the dimensions?



Been really busy and broke for the 6 months or so I havn't been on here. I'm hoping to really get the tank going now. I have bought a pack of mixed softies (no idea what they are till it comes) a torch and a ric. Also since I have been off my LED lights ending up failing... I decided to go for PAR bulbs which should be coming in the post in the next few days too!


WIll update with pics once everything is in.

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Well, the LED lamp clip that came in the post today electrocuted me... I couldn't let go for around 20 seconds and collapsed on the floor in spasm, I was locked into a fetus position for 20 mins, ambulance came and everything is ok, just really shook up! I also have some bad burns...


It has made me realize how dangerous electricity is!


Thus my tank won't be getting upgraded light for a few more weeks now : (


The bad weather has also delayed the corals coming, not been a good few days... : (

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Dude, sucks to hear, glad you're okay!


When I was setting up my 40 I had an old maxijet 1200 that leaked a lot of voltage into the tank and it put me on the ground when I reached in!


Your tank does look nice though. :)

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Dude, sucks to hear, glad you're okay!


When I was setting up my 40 I had an old maxijet 1200 that leaked a lot of voltage into the tank and it put me on the ground when I reached in!


Your tank does look nice though. :)

Lol, my tank looks like ####... I really can't wait for some proper lights and corals though! Was everything ok in your tank after that happened? I'm just glad I didn't do this anywhere near my tank...

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I was more complimenting your hammer coral/coral beauty. But in general it's a nice scape and I like that you want a BSJ. ;)


It was when I was transferring everything over. I was using it to help mix the salt in the tank (just dry rock was in it at the time) and I put my hand in the move some rock around and it zapped me good. I tested the water with a multimeter and it was leaking about 20-30 volts. The good news is I found that before I moved the livestock over since I had planned on that being one of my sources of flow.

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Ah thanks ;)


Yeah I wish I had the money to drop on a BSJ, the coolest fish ever!


Wow, you sure are lucky that it happened with no livestock in! Do you have a tank build thread?


Nevermind, just seen it in your sig ;)

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Right, i'm bored of my live rock (the shapes are awful, my girlfriend picked them out), plan is to sell half of it, and get dry rock with the store credit, I am also going to remove half the sand and replace it with finer sand. I will put a divider down the middle so both types of sand don't get mixed up!


I'm guessing the rock will take 6-8 weeks to cure, and then after I shall replace the other half with the same dry rock and sand. Hopefully this will make the tank look far more sexy!

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Haha, I did it, came with some huge problems though.


When I started the fish tank I never rinsed the sand, as soon as I moved one rock the whole tank was cloudy! I managed to evacuate all the livestock, though I couldn't find my peppermint. I had to take out all the water and sand and replace with new.


When I started adding the rocks back in I saw the peppermint shrimp sitting at the bottom of the bucket dead. I got him out and put him in the toilet, as soon as he hit the water he 'sprung' back into life!


Needless to say I had to flush him, there was chemicals in there, poor shrimp.


The rock looks so much better than the other crap that was in there. Can't wait to get the rest of it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a horrible last two weeks. I'm not sure what happened but I was at my girlfriends this weekend. When I came back all my fish had disappeared! I'm sure they had been eaten. All my corals and CUC are ok. I tested the water and all parameters are good. Only thing I can think of is I had a new algae blenny, I died within a day (didn't look too good at LFS) and maybe it had some kind of infection and passed it on?


I am hoping to get the par30 bulbs from boostled sometime this week (they are in the mail), I should also be receiving the first shipment of corals that I have been waiting for (bad weather causing no delivery).


I will post some pics of the scape, lights and corals when I get them by the end of the week!

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  • 4 weeks later...


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