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My new 15gH, Please give me you're opinions!!


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Well here goes! I've been wanting to do one of these for years but everyone said that they are all but impossible. That was until I found this site, and now I've not been able to do anything else but read thread after thread. Damn you all!! I'm so FREAKING excited about this that I can hardly sleep at night anymore, been driving the wife crazy. Anyhow I'd like some constructive criticism(please be gentle with me, I'm still a virgin!)


This is what I got:


15g High All-Glass Aquarium


Coralife 96w quad pc 50/50 hood


CPR 12" Aquafuge


Sander Piccolo skimmer

TetraTec Airpump (for skimmer)



1-Rio 50 (in fuge)

1-Rio 200 (running fuge)

1-Small Aquaclear? (old but very quiet)

2-Penguin 1140


Tronics 100w heater


Red Sea Master Marine test kit


Oceanic salt mix


LR & LS will probably be from Liverocks.com


Still need a light for the fuge. I heard that you could get one at Home Depot but couldn't find one, think I'll look at Lowes. The damn Penguins are so stinking loud because they have a clip and rest against the tank (no suctions) that I'm going to put some beads of silicon on the sides that rest on the tank to absorb some noise. Hope that works. Anyway I'm posting some pics and will be getting the LR and LS in a week or two, sometime around my B-day, so I'll post pics when I get it. Thanks in advance :)

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Thanks! Got it at the LFS don't know where you might get one online? If you want I'll give you their phone number, maybe you can order from them?





I might just try that, thanks!





I hear ya there, but they came with the fuge and I'll replace when they wear out. Thanks for the warning though.

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Thesidius....ive had bad experiences with red sea testing kits and inaccuracy. Found out when i took a water sample to the LFS and compared. Never bought them since. Could have just been bad luck with a kit though...........Just a little heads up :) nice tank, are you going bare-top?


snook, what kind of spray paint did you use?

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Thanks for the heads up, when I get the rock I'll test and then take some water to the LFS and compare. And no I'm planning on putting a thin sheet of acrylic on the tank, to stop any fish from jumping out and from stuff going in (got kids). I'm going to put some small holes in the acrylic so I can get some gas exchange too.

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Ok here is an update:


I added saltwater and 20lbs of CaribSea Arag-Alive aragonite reef sand.



and here is the fuge



also I got tired of the noise of my penquins so here is a modification I did to them




as you can see I put a couple dabs of silicone on them to damper the noise, it worked great :D


Getting the LR next week from Palmetto Reefs, can't wait!!!!

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great set up it kinda mirrors my set-up on my 20g just that i didn't have a ph in the center blowing forward

very nice and clean i will keep an eye out for your progress

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Thanks Mattie!


I don't know if I will keep the the one in the middle. I just put it there to maybe break some surface tension.

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Is that a Lee's Skimmer? cause it looks like the one for 20 bucks? If so tell me how well it works when you get it up and running with live rock (bio-load) etc... Anyways, clean looking tank, love the placement next to your computer....nice job.....I will soon be moving back to my family's home so I'm going to move my nano there and set it up on mycomputer desk there, right now its on a small night stand... but its only 12 gallon nano cube....take care good luck with your setup. ;)

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nano man can

it looks like a piccilo i have one in my fuge it works great. since im usin a fuge im letting that be my main filter if u have to good of a skimmer it will take out all the positive bacteria the fuge puts in. so yea.

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