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Macro/plant display lighting and photo period


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Those of you with macros and marine planted tanks or a decent selection of macros in your display, what is your lighting and photo period? Any particular reason for your choice of photo period (nuisance algae, pH, etc.)? Feel free to give a description of the types of algae/plants and your sucesses and failures.


I'll start:


I have two 17w PAR38 LEDs over a 17g (see sig) with no fuge. My photo period is currently 10.5 hours for no particular reason, but I may continue to lengthen it to increase growth and nutrient uptake because I don't have a reverse photo period.


I've been growing red titan since Jan. under LEDs, but this macro tank is only a month old now. I've seen growth of pencil cap (including runners) and some new leaves sprouting on sargassum. I've seen some die off of halimeda, but that was probably from shipping stress.

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I don't have a dedicated Macro tank right now, but when I did I used PC lighting over one tank and T5HO over another.

Had a photoperiod of 8-9 hrs.

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Currently I have PC lighting (65w) over my 10gal, with a photo period of about 8hrs. However, as I get more light-demanding corals I'll probably increase it to 9-10hrs


I had the lights on for about 6-7hrs a while ago because of GHA, but it didn't really seem to do much except annoy me that I couldn't take pictures because the lights were already off lol

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If you are in it for the algae then it all depends on what color the algae is. Purple algae absorbs all the central spectrums of light between blue and red, the yellows, greens and oranges. Since it uses the majority of the light spectrum, it may grow well in a lower light. Green algae works off the blues and reds in anycase, Any typical 5000K light will be great. I have a PAR30 3000K 13w bulb that I got from lowes for $8. I had no experience with LED and this was seriously discounted. I couldn't pass it up for $8. I'm glad I finally found a use for the bulb now.

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I use t5ho lights(50/50 actinic+10,000k), with a 14hr photoperiod. Extended photoperiod has done wonders for macro growth, but with my Ulva dying I'm seeing some cyanobacteria here and there, so I may cut it down to 7 or 8 hours soon.

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I recently acquired a CPR AeroFuge Protein Skimmer and Refugium w/ Light (18w PC). And put it on the back of my 24g AP. My photo period is 11 hours and I'm running it on a reverse light cycle to help stabilize the PH. Also, I have put some Cheato and some Fiji mud along with some crushed coral in the refugium. This is my first attempt at a refugium so I'm not entirely sure if this right.

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I use an 8.5 hour photoperiod. No real reason, short of reducing heat. I should note that I have seagrass, not macroalgae, though.

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