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Cultivated Reef

Coral Life 18 watt mini hood.


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Has anyone else used one of these hoods on their tank?



Well I have, and I have come to the realization that the actinic bulb that came with it....isn't truely actinic at all. I noticed this when I stuck a piece of airline tube under the light in my tank. The end of the tube floresed under the 50/50 13 watt on my girl friends tank, but under my light it just looked dull. I have a feeling that a new bulb from hellolights will make all the difference in the world. Another clue that the actinic bulb wasn't right was the fact that it put out almost as much visible light as the 10,000k right next to it. I am going to further investigate this, but I have a feeling that my assumptions are correct, and my actinic isn't producing anything more than blue light.


Now I have a strange question. saying that I was to remove the two 9 watt bulbs and replace them with 13 watt bulbs would there be any issues? I can't imagine that the ballasts would be much different from 9-13. Honestly I feel like they are probly the same magnetic ballast, but then again I may be wrong. Have any of you out there tried putting in a 13 watt bulb in this hood? Well to test that theory I might have to try that out as well. Let me know if anyone has any info on my crazy thougts at 2:00 in the morning.

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looks like a good hood to diy! i bet you could put 2 70w mh's in there or just 1 and the actinic bulb.

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HAhaha, how did I know you were gonna say something crazy like that? I love you man always got the wheels turning. You know that might be a really good idea to think about doing a 70 watt metal halide and that actinic. My only issue then would be having to wear sunblock while at my computer so I didn't get sunburned. I'll tell you what though, that very well could be a possibility once I get my new little project on the road. Soon enough I will have some plans drawn up so that you can take a look and make spme suggestions. I have a spare 13 watt bulb laying around somwhere so I will just have to see if it will fire it and run it properly. If so, my plan is to new bulbs from hellolights, and either have 50/50's or just do the separates. At this point I really don't see any point in doing them separate, because they both fire at the same time...on the same switch.

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With that distance between the hood and the water surface, if you are gonna screw is your MH in there you are gonna end up with barbeque seafood in the summer. The temperature difference between light on and light off would be close to impossible to control without a very well controlled chiller (probably scientific grade)


Unless you stay in antartica or artic region where they don't have summer.


If you want to have MH, hang it on pendant.

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not necessarily. If you raise it enough above the water and run an open top you can keep your temp constant. I run halide + pcs in a hood and the temp diff is minimal. PC's with a close to the water area tend to make a heat pocket and thats a temp problem, but with the open top there's more room for heat dissipation

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Well I suppose that Atlanta is close enough right? No, I think what I am going to do is just stick with PC lights over it for now. I am looking at Jebo 6 and 8 gallon tanks for my g/f and I, and if that goes through I might consider doing something crazy like that. I have gotten tired of the messy look that my tank has, and the acrylic. The Jebo tanks that we are looking at have built in NO lights, in a sweet little hood, and what is even better is that they have rounded glass corners much like the Nano-cubes, and Via Aquas.


Here is a link to the page that they have. Hey does anyone have a clue on how to convert the dimensions to Gallons? I want the six gallon onebut have no clue which it is?





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Well that sucked but lets try again.




Apparently they don't want anyone linking the pics so I will have to seacrch and find someone that has one setup. Anyway, ya'll get the picture.


Back to the issue of placing a 13 watt bulb in a 9 watt fixture.

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