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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Question's on setup


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Hello! I am new to this forum, but not to SW tanks. I currently have a seahorse tank and a fowlr tank. I would like to start a nano. I have a 5 gal mini bow cycling. So far, I have 5 lbs of lr, 7 lbs of ls, a 50 watt ebo, and the hob filter that came with the tank. Do you have any suggestions about mods to the filter? Also I am an idiot with lighting. I have read books, and searched here, but I still don't get it! I know that I need to upgrade the stock lighting, but what do you suggest? I am on a budget, so if there is any easy diy project (my husband can do: ) I would appreciate any and all advice! Thanks!

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Re: the tank. If you plan to add LR to the mini-bow, remove the biomedia from the filter and let the LR do the filtering. Having a FOWLR tank, you should be well versed on the benefits of cured LR and the nitrogen cycle.


Lighting is going to depend on the types of corals you want to keep in the tank. Research the corals that you want to put in there and figure out what each ones light needs are. Most people go with hardy deep water corals (mushrooms, leathers, etc.) because of the light restrictions a nano-reef have on them. More than likely you'll be dealing with compact flourescent lighting. Go with 50/50 tubes (actinic/daylight) if you can. Wattage will once again be determined by the type of corals and what you can squeeze into the hood. There are also little 70watt metal halide lights that might also work.


Ask this question again in the lighting forum or have a moderator move this post over there. Good luck :)

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Thanks for the info. I do know about the nitrogen cycle, but was wondering if there was anything I should do to the filter. Do you think I should add bio balls or something like that to the filter, or just run with nothing in the media area?

I was thinking about mushrooms and leathers in there. What kind of retro kit would you suggest and what wattage and type of light would you suggest. Thanks again for any responses, I really am confused with the lighting. How do I get someone to move this to lighting?

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