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did I kill my xenia


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I was told I could use a rubber band to hold down my new xenia frag. When I put the rubber band around the stalk of it I saw some slime come out and now the finger things aren't opening up anymore. did I kill it? should I just take it out of the tank or should i see if it makes it. I took the rubberband off and just let it float down to the bottom. after a while it started to float behind some rocks so I brought it back out to the front, when I did this it got even smaller. does that mean its alright? aaaarrgggghhh. does any one wanna trade a 3.5 ounce container of kent kalk and give me a new xenia if mine's dead? thanks for any help....

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Try to sort of cradle it in between two rocks to keep in in one place. That's what I did and within about 6 hours it had taken root (I was amazed by haow fast this happened. It will probably be ticked off for a little bit. Especially if it was just cut from a parent colony. You could also check the GARF site. tehy are pretty free with info on how they do things.


Good luck.

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It should be alright. Xenia are actually pretty tuff little corals, I hack away at mine and they keep growing back.

You could always put it in a bowl with some rock ruble at the bottom of your tank in a low flow area.

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I think its alright. not as good as when I got it, but alright. its kinda hard to do anything with it. the stalk was small, I didn't know how to grab it. the one I bought it from also told me I could use a toothpick to hold it in place, so thats what I did, as close to the end as possible. I hate putting my hands and arms in the tank but i guess I'm done for now. does anyone know what kinda current these like? Where I have it now it's not too strong, it's moving back and forth, I'd say light to moderate, is this ok? thanks for the help.

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Here is a genereal rule about xenia:


If you think of the coral as beautiful and one of your prized posessions then it will die.


If you think of it as a nuisance weed then the smallest of pico nano pieces will grow into gigantic looming stalks.

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yup, It came off the toothpick and floated around back in a hard to reach area.now it's laying upside down. I'm gonna go get my staple gun!!... j/k I guess I gotta try again.

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How about using thread? That's what I did and it worked for this newb. I had three pieces. I did have trouble securing them in my tank but it worked out eventually and they're all doing fine.


For the largest piece, I took a needle and thread and sewed it to a piece of live rock that had a hole that I could put the thread through. I only pierced the the xenia once. When I tied it, it seemed kinda loose. I just did my best to tighten the string by trying to pull it onto the rock. I also tried putting a barbeque stick within the string and moving it away from the rock to take up the slack. I don't know if any of that helped but the Xenia was attached within a couple of days. I removed the string about 4 or 5 days later.


The second piece was sewed onto a piece of debris which in turn was glued onto the rock. Because the glue covered the string, I couldn't take the string out of that one. It's doing fine though and the bottom of the Xenia has pretty much covered the base on which it was fastened.


For the smallest piece, I fastened it to a piece of debris also but didn't sew it. I had gotten fed up with trying to sew it onto a rock since it kept on getting loose. So, I just wrapped a piece of string around it. It attached and is doing well. The string divided it in half so there are two stalks growing out.

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Anything works for this stuff. I can't seem to stop it from popping up all over. My first frag I used rubber bands, loose fitting, and they attached within 2-3 days.



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Its too small. all there is are the little pom pom things. I don't have any glue, so I put it in a small cup and put a piece of live rock on top of it. its not being smashed its just like a cage so it doesn't float away again. hopefully it will attach. ya think this'll work?

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