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birdman204's Minibow & 80gal - Take 3 - Dialup Beware!


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Had the chance to go over to birdman's place to hang out and take pics of his reef tanks last night. As always his Minibow is looking very nice, and there are some changes to the livestock crew since the last time I was there. Since I was there last, he has setup an awesome 80gallon reef system as well that is on it's way to reefkeeping minerva. Anyhow, on to the photos.....


Minibow Photos








Crocea Clam (gotten much larger)











Pistol Shrimp



Sexy Shrimp


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80 Gallon Reef Photos





Pocillipora (note: peek-a-boo)



Close up of Acro Crab






Black Cap Basslet





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Percula Clown



Blue Spot Squamosa



Yellow Tang






Thanks to birdman for his hospitality (I went home with an auto topoff and a block of cyclopeeze wow). I look forward to going back and spending more time gawking at his reef tanks and taking more pics.



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Thanks for coming by Gil. Appreciated as always.


Most of the inhabs are new and we have set up a beautiful system to care for them. The Minibow as a matter of fact recieved a few more zoo frags from new pieces from the large tank today. A Turquoise frag , Peach frag , and a single Purple W/ green skirt zoanthid ( not pictured above ).

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That's some awesome photography. Lookin' good. I'll second a request for a full tank shot of the 80 gal.


Nice work on the fish pics, I find it almost impossible to get even a clear shot of any of my fish - tripod, fast shutter speed and all, nothing close to as clear as those . . very nice.




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I don't know if he took any full shots of the 80, but he waited maybe 20 minutes for my 4 line wrasse to come out of hiding for a picture.... the dam fish never came out, even with food... camera shy I guess...

I wanna know if he got a good shot of the efflo, or the big arched zoo rock, that thing is a banner in the making w/ some good photoshop work ;)

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I see you got a yellow rics. I haven't seen many people have that color. I got two yellows also but color doesnt seem as vibrant as when I got first got them. I noticed the color fading when I got my MH.

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Your tank is a gasp. I really like that green monti, very nice specimen, you should have posted it over at oc-creative. Looking forward to more pics of that 80 gal.



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Birdman this....Bridman that....blah.....blah......blah :P


Nice tanks Guapo! Everytime I see that SQWD......smoke starts coming out of my ears....I want one! Is the closed loop and and the fuge flow your only flow?

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you might want to watch your pistol. it might EAT your tang.


what are pistols good for?

don't they kill stuff?

Boston, they also use it as a weapon.

The pop is used to stun prey right in front of them.


From what I've seen, and read, yes.

The pop would work kind of like someone firing a grenade in a drum right on your chest.

Saw one do it on TV...

I can't recall if it ate the Psudochromis it was snapping at, but it dida serious stun job on it.

i always thought pisols were scavengers..

It can STUN the fish.

I've seen one use it to snap at another shrimp and begin eating it. I imagine if the fish were small enough or slow enough (fry, seahorse) it could eat one. nk

k then why doesn't it hurt the goby?

mistake, the goby protects the pistolshrimp, kind of like a clown and a anenome



Maybe it feels no need or desire to attack the goby?

a: the goby isn't threatening it, b: the goby is too big to eat.

c: goby bring fooood.

but if the shrimp is outside the goby's nest, and he snaps, why doesn't the goby go into spasmatic seizures

I wouldn't really know, I only know what I've personally seen.

The pistol I saw going after a shrimp (ghost shrimp) got the claw -right- up to it.

The one I saw snapping at a psudochromis on TV was probably no more than a half inch from it, snapping.

The pistol I saw going after a shrimp (ghost shrimp) got the claw -right- up to it.

The one I saw snapping at a psudochromis on TV was probably no more than a half inch from it, snapping.

The fish would jerk back, drift sideways, then swim right back at the shrimp.

Eventually the shrimp did land one very close to it's head, and it seemed to knock the fish out totally.




anyway enough BS, nice black cap. cool little fish. great tank bman. by any chance is the green digi fragged from gil's? if so, just wanted to point out how interesting they are in their different growth structures. (post tank specs please) AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE. GIL, NEXT TIME YOU'RE OVER THERE, SCRAPE THAT GLASS!

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In the pic of the pistol, where its under the bee snail...

On the glass I see many little spiral shaped ... worms...snails? What are they?

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Tigs - Thanks. They are more of an orange color, I think it is the angle Gil shot them from.


Wally - Posted ;)


OTF - Get crackin' then man :D


Adin - I purchased and Alpheus Randalli , or some call em candy cane pistols. They get no larger than 1 inch, This guy is about 5/8 of an inch right now. For reference, look at the main picture in the middle, that bumblebee snail is in the Yellow polyps, and the shrimp is below that in the macro shot. The snap is loud, but I am more worried about the borrows undermining some of my zoos rock :D The shrimp is actually in the nano, not w/ the Tang, obviously.

The green digi is not Gil's. His didn't like my halide even with screens for diffusion and quickly became a piece of rubble.


Under the radar - Might wanna search for a new Av, that one has been claimed :P - They are some type of calcerous tubeworm, I will try to get a proper ID at home, all my books are there. They grow on the underside of almost everything... You can see them on the side of the clam.


Added what will probably be my last SPS this weekend , a nice orange cap traded with a fellow reefer. Also fragged some red, turquoise, and peach zoos from the big tank and threw them in the nano as well. I may frag a piece of the Lavender Cap from the big tank for the nano , but that would DEFINATLEY be the last SPS in there. It's all about growth now. My Orange zoos, which were slow to start have almost doubled in colony size, more growth than any others. I also had to switch to full strength kalk in the topoff as half strength was barely keeping CA at 350 - 380. Last test was 390 - 400 (you know how accurate these things are) so we will see how that does.

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I'll have to second Wallywaltt on that monti. Very cool, I've only ever been able to find thim in the brown/pinkish variety around here (I have on in my nano right now . .), looks sweet in green.



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Korbin, The zoos are out there, It is just a matter of visiting every online website 15 times a day to get them :D

Darwin , They will be fragged and sold in the near future.... I will keep you in mind.

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  • 3 months later...

A Very expensive one. One that I could not afford. But a friend came over and took some pics. I now use a cannon Digital EOS rebel. Stock Lense and a rental macro lense. Great quality IMO. I took the picture in my avatar most recently, and will be posting new pictures tonight (hopefully) as the tank is 1 year old this month.

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