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First signs of life!


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So, my liverock really is alive, and today I have seen my first sign of life on it.


But what is it? Will it get large, is it good or bad, see photo attached.

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Why? What is bad about it? Will it reproduce and take over my tank? Im hesitant to purposely kill anything alive in the tank unless it's going to takeover and kill all other lifeforms.



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Okay so I googled for aptasia and are having mixed reviews on how to remove it. Some say squish it, but chances are each even minut particle of the squished aptasia will grow a new aptasia.


Some say to remove the rock, but it's the best rock I have and without it the tank would seriously look empty.


Can I just try to go at it with a pair of tweezers? Or will it retreat into the rock making it impossible to pull it out?


Whats the best way of doing this with the least disturbance to the tank?



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If it is the only one you could pull the rock out of the water for a little bit and do what I did the last time I had the beginning of a bad infestation. I injected the little buggers with hydrogen peroxide. When they shriveled up I used a cotton swab to apply more hydrogen peroxide to the area. Then, just cause I'm paranoid and like to play with fire I burned the little bastards with a propane torch and sent them straight to hell. This is not something I would do to a piece of rock with corals on it though, but it was in a FOWLR and it worked for me. Otherwise I have heard of using lemon juice, kalk. Oh, and you could probably skip the fire part. It smells pretty bad.

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1fish2fish...you are mad! :) I vote for your method!!


I have also heard that making them shrink up and then putting chewing gum over the hole works.


We are lucky. We have never had to deal with these....

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Kalk supposedly works great, especially when you inject it with some.


There is also a product out there that you inject called aipstaiaway.. google it. its cheap.

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Well, so far the peppermint shrimp isnt interested in it, so Im going to let it go for a while and see what it looks like when it gets larger and take some better photos.



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Also looks like a button polyp to me. You should poke it and see if it goes inside of a hole or not. If it does its an anemone and if not its a Polyp. Polyps will only close just not hide.

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Looks like a button polyp to my noob eyes. If it does turn out to be aiptasia, the best method I've found (won't work for rocks with corals on them) is to take it in a bucket outside with a magnifying glass. It smells *awful* when you burn it, which is half the reason you're outside. The will NOT return. You do end up with some die-off of other organisms and a slight spike in chemistry, but it's worth it for the aiptasia being gone.




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Originally posted by sdbeazley

Also looks like a button polyp to me. You should poke it and see if it goes inside of a hole or not. If it does its an anemone and if not its a Polyp. Polyps will only close just not hide.


Well i poked it with a small wooden dowl, and it disappeared so I ASSume it's a aiptasia, but Im still going to let it grow for a while to be certain of what it is.


Theres only one of this creature (for the moment) so I'll let it grow and take better photos for people to identify.


If it turns out to be aiptasia, then I'll deal with it when the time comes.


Wish me the best ;)

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DAMN! Just as I got done poking it and put the light hood back on the tank, I now notice the pepermint shrimp going at it. So I guess it's an aiptasia, and the shrimp will deal with it.

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To me it also looks like a polyp...


apstasias almost look like a small anenome... and when they are young.. can be confused for a baby feather duster.


If you poke it with a turkey baster or something, does it retract into the rock? If it does.. then odds are it's an apstasia... If all it does is "curl up" so that the open part closes... then it's a polyp and then there's no need to worry.


But if it turns out that it is an apstasia, check out this link:




This stuff (I haven't had a need to use it myself) apparently is quite the thing and works instantaneously. With no need for repeated treatments...


Kalk is another method.. but must be injected into the apstasia directly via a needle/syringe etc... and this will need to be repeated daily until it's dead.


You can also use sugar free previously chewed bubble gum to "gum" up the hole in which it lives.. but keep in mind, that it will find another way out.



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Woops, my bad. I guess I should have tried poking it before that 3rd bourbon and coke drink last night :x Last night it looked like it retreated into the rock, and immediately afterwards the peppermint shrimp looked like it was scratching at where it was and eating it.


But today it's still there, so I poked it again and this time the disc part just retracted into a stem of sorts and didnt actually retract into the rock, so it may just be a polyp of some sort

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if it just retracted into a "bud" type of thing (polyp) then it's a good thing and your FIRST piece of coral in the tank :)





Polyps are a very hearty coral.. they are usually beginner corals cause they are really hard to kill. (I'm a newbie too, and I have a mushroom/zoo (polyp) 10g nano).


They multiplly quite well and are filter feeders, they are also fairly forgiving when you have an ammonia spike or anything.. but you want to do your best to keep the spikes uner control any way :)






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