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Cultivated Reef

Probiotics in breeding


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I read a article a year or so ago and was wondering if anyone has tried this. I might give it a whirl either with my babies or with the parents.

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yep its a strain of lactobacillus i believe. they add it to the rotifers 15 minutes before feeding the babies and to the tank from what i read

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Have you found a place to get it? I've seen some tank treatments that claim to be probiotic - this seemed much more specific.

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this is where being a pharmacist comes in handy.

i have it on order but wanna see how it turns out before i go any further. dont wanna kill anyone elses clowns. i have a hatch coming tonight of my onyx so i will give it a whirl on them

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Does it help to add supplements (Selcon, Garlic Extreme, Vitamin C, Vita Chem) to the food of the Broodstock?

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i dont but my fish get fed like a fat kid in a italian family

Ok. Would using those supplements have any negative effects on the fish's breeding abilities?

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from my understanding it will help them because if the food is deficient they will replace them. the only thing that scares me using those products is the all form a oil like slick on the water. i dont like that at all

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from my understanding it will help them because if the food is deficient they will replace them. the only thing that scares me using those products is the all form a oil like slick on the water. i dont like that at all

Ok. I may try using start by some Selcon to enrich my B&W's PE Mysis Shrimp and then add on the others over time. I will let you know how it goes.

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Can you post a link to where you bought the Probiotics, I would like to try it also.


:Pthis is where being a pharmacist comes in handy.



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Can you post a link to where you bought the Probiotics, I would like to try it also.

Right now I'm ordering thru my pharmacy. I'm not sure where else to find it yet without further research but when I get the product in my hand it will give me a better idea

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Are you just trying it with your onyx or on your system?

actually missed the onyx spaun, so i am trying it on the big guns ;) , last snocasso hatch 19 hatched but day 5 and they were looking a lil skinny. sooo i figured ill give it a whirl. by night time the bellies were fat and shinny. we will see what happens in the am

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i got a bottle of acidophilus from natures bounty. i could grind up the wafers and feed them to the fish. i take this stuff every day for my tummy.

it has 2 strains. lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidus.

its strawberry flavor, thing the clowns like strawberry? hehe

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okay heres what my research has revealed so far.


doing great with silver stomachs like ive never seen before. i mean for a days worth of trail the results are impressive. i dont want to jump the gun here so thats why i was holding back. i am okay with endangering my babies with trials but dont want to hurt anyones elses


lactobacillus rhamnosus

comercial product that contains this


have to make sure its the one without anything else


10 billion bacterial cells


1 quart jar of rotifers+ 1 emptied capsule 15 minutes prior to feeding the rots to fish. pour whole concoction into baby water. so far t looks like everything is going real good.

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So that quart of rotifers...is that new saltwater that you strained the rots into? Or did you remove it from the fry tank?

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So that quart of rotifers...is that new saltwater that you strained the rots into? Or did you remove it from the fry tank?

I used new salt water, dropped the salinity and added strained rots. Let tumble with air for a while and feed. Quick look this morning and everything looked good so far

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