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Advice picking nect couple of corals


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Hi All,

As of right now I have a Jbj Nano Cube that has been set up and running for about 4 months now. The only thing I've changed is that I've added another small powerhead to the setup for extra flow/ circulation

Inhabitants are as follows: 3 astraea, 3 margarita, 4 cerith, 4 nassarius, a star polyps frag, and some blue/ purple shrooms. In the future I plan on a pair of ocellaris clowns and maybe a small bicolor blenny.


I was wondering which of the following corals would do best in my tank


Colt Coral, Open brain,frogspawn, Branching hammer, Flower Pot, Pipe Organ, xenia, and zoos.


I am pretty sure about getting a few more shrooms and zoos but I'm wondering what some of the other possiblities would be considering light and flow. Aslo considering the rate in which they grow and aggresiveness... All help is appreciated. thank you much. Megan

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OKay I just read about Flowerpots.... so I guess thats out of the question....can any one help me out? Any one with the Nano Cube out there? What kind of corals would do best?

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On the "yes" list: Colt coral, open brain, zoos.


On the "maybe" list: Xenia.


On the "no" list: frogspawn, hammer, flowerpot, pipeorgan.


The colt coral, open brain and zooanthus corals are hardy, adaptable species that are well suited to a nano because they're usually acclimiteable to lower light levels.


The xenia usually prefer a little more light than the JBJ nano will provide unmodified, but if you can find a tank raised frag of it, it may do fine.


Frogspawn and Hammer corals are way too large/aggressive when fully expanded, and will sting neighboring corals to death. Pipe organ and flowerpot corals are very hard to keep alive over six months or so, and even advanced experts have a hard time keeping them alive. I wouldn't recommend them.


Other choices: Star matte polyps, heliofungia, favia (brain/maze) coral, a small bubble coral, fox coral and candycane coral. Anemonies, such as a bubble tipped, will be fine and your clownfish will host in it.

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Finally! Thankyou soo much for your advice. It is so hard to find someone to answer a newbe's questions on corals....I appreciate your honest advice so much...so the other choices you listed are possiblities for me? Do you own any of those corals yourself? Could you tell me a little about theM? Well anyways I'm off to research now that I have a little bit of an idea on what kinds I should be researching! Thanks a Bunch

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I think I'd rather stay away from anemonies... just because of all the stories about how without proper lighting...they seldom survive...plus anemonies move and I'd rather try to find some other soft coral for my clowns to host... anymore ideas anyone?

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clowns will host elegance coral or so ive read. They dont have to have a host if they're tank raised they'll be just fine. Most of what aiptasia said is on par with corals. I like open brain and favites myself, also zoos and ricordia i really like cuz they're photosynthetic and easy to take care of. I have torch coral which is similar to frogspawn and hammer but seems to have smaller sweeper tentacles so its less of a threat. Blasto (candy cane/trumpet coral) is easy to take care of also.

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  • 6 months later...

i have hamer, torch, and gsp in my nano cube and they all seem to doing great. never have had a problem with them. but who can tell ya know. tanks and tank mates are all different.

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Originally posted by Aiptasia

Pipe organ and flowerpot corals are very hard to keep alive over six months or so, and even advanced experts have a hard time keeping them alive. I wouldn't recommend them.


??? maybe I've just gotten lucky, but I've had my pipe organ for a little over a year now and it seems to be thriving. Just recently (last month or 2) I've noticed a ton of new polyps that have sprung up. I'm a novice at best, and oddly enough this thing seems to be doing great. Has it just not been enough time or what?

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