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Coral Vue Hydros

Moving live rock...advice needed! HELP!


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HI...I have 2 29-gallon salt tanks, one is a FOWLR tank and the other is a reef. Both are one year old. I want to take some of the live rock (cured) out of my FOWLR tank and put it in my reef tank. (All the rock in both tanks are a year old, bought at the same time, same place)


What can I expect if I do this? Do I take the chance of hurting my corals in the reef tank by moving some more live rock in there? What about the live rock cycling the tank again??


I am eventually trying to get rid of some of the live rock in my FOWLR tank since I don't need as much of it over there and I really need to add more rock to my reeftank. I have, maybe 20 lbs. in the reef tank now, and I need to bump it up about 15 more lbs. HELP NEEDED! Thanks!

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you'll be just fine switching out those rocks. if the rock's totally cured, you won't have to worry about hurting your corals or the tank re-cycling. just try to keep the air-time to a minimum, so as not to harm any of the life on the live rocks. i've taken rocks out of my mom's 75g to put in my 12 with no ill effects on corals or anything else. by the way, where in new mexico are you located? maybe a frag swap is in order some time in the near future.?.?... j.

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I would have a bucket of fresh SW and at least swish the crud off the rock before placing in the reef tank. If for no other reason that to keep the water clean and keep the nutrients low. I cleaned my LR a few days ago and there was some nasty stuff inside there ;).

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most likely the only crud on your FOWLR rock is fish poop and algae. Get the algae off, but the corals will like the poop.

I would just carry the rock from one tank to the other, and worry more about dripping SW on the floor than anything else.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well....moved the rock from one tank to the other, everything went well. I did however rinse the rock being moved, in a bucket of warm salt water before adding it to the coral tank, it was *dirty* and *cruddy*. Thanks everyone who posted for your advice!

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