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burning up powerheads.. HELP!


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in the 14 days my tank has been up. I've managed to kill a proquatics 120gph PH and a Whisper 170gph PH. any idea's???

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are you using a wavemaker/surgemaker device to power the ph's?


they're not running dry ever are they?


how's your power quality?


any extension cords, how long?


have you taken the ph's apart to examine the impeller areas?

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proquatics and whisper .... nonamers to me. Id use maxijet or aquaglobe or even via aqua, at least a recognized name. I know whisper makes hobs but i didnt know about ph's

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straight into outlet, never go dry, electricity quality good steady, and i took the whisper apart and everything was clean. i do have a problem keeping my tank temp below 82 though. maybe overheat?

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Could be a heat problem but generally if the PH's are submerged, you don't have this problem. Make sure that the powerhead is completely submerged and not partially sticking out above the tank. It's possible that between the aquarium lights and the heat the powerhead generates internally that it could burn out if it's partially exposed above the tank.


You might want to think about raising your lights a little higher or providing a little more air current with a fan across the surface of the water. Even a room fan blowing across the top of the water can lower your temperatures 2-3 degrees.


I use Aquaclear maxi-jets and mini-jets as well as hagen powerheads and have never had one burn out from heat. I have had them die from overcalcification and from running dry, but not from overheating.

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Originally posted by Reefer_Buddha

Id use maxijet

Depending on tank size, even the micro jets kick a$$, 3 in a 10 G will be great for random flow..

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ya just remember to take out the blue sponge crap in the back of em otherwise they clog up fast.

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