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10 gal nano needs a filter??? HELP..


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I currently have a 10 gal AGA with:


15lbs LR

Live sand


trumpet coral

yellow polys


bubble coral



peppermint shrimp

emerald crab


I just purchased a rio 50 powerhead, and currently have the crappy factory filter that came with the tank. My question is, If i buy another powerhead can I get rid of the filter? I have heard that with live rock and live sand a filter is not completely necessary.... Let me know what I should do!

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I'm assuming the "crappy factory filter" is a hang on unit. In that case, yes you can remove it but i'd add a protein skimmer to the back of the tank to keep from having to change the water as often as you would need to without it.


The LR/LS is fully capable of filtering the nitrogenous wastes from your tank. By adding the protein skimmer, you can remove a lot of substances from the water before they have a chance of breaking down, as well as provide a lot of gas exchange through the microbubbles in the skimmer. This frees up a lot of trapped CO2, which means it balances out your pH (CO2 causes alkalinity drops) as well as oxygenates your water.


There are several skimmers out there that would work, from a simple airstone driven model to the Red Sea Prizm Deluxe, the Aqua C Remora and the CPR bakpak II reef ready skimmer.

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Too much live rock? How is that possible? What is the downside to having too much live rock???? I have seen so many pics of beautiful systems with so much rock you can't see the back of the tank! That is you biological filter, please enlighten me!


JMO anyway.

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dood, 15 lbs of LR aint mean any thing, i used to have 25 in a 10 G and its perfectly fine. about the filter, its good to have them, they can give you xtra current, beside, SW can give you odor some time, i would say run the filters incase your water is stink, u can always put a filter back on so they can take out the smell.

(im kinna drunk 2nite, and word's could get out of my brain)

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