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Noisy Power Head?

Arcbound Phyrexian

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Arcbound Phyrexian

So, I got two Marineland Maxi-Jet 400sand they seem good, but now that's it's time to go to bed (my tank is in my bedroom) I've realized that these things are NOISY! It's a loud hum/buzz.


I've looked all over the internet and tried all kinds of things. I've taken them all apart, I've cleaned the impellers, I've turned them on and off. Nothing's worked. Why are they so loud? They're brand new and it's both of them that are doing it.


Please help, for my headache's sake. :angry:

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All pumps make some noise. I'm tempted to say it's normal since the two sound basically the same. I wouldn't typically consider a MJ400 a loud pump, but you can hear them.

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Arcbound Phyrexian
All pumps make some noise. I'm tempted to say it's normal since the two sound basically the same. I wouldn't typically consider a MJ400 a loud pump, but you can hear them.


Well, considering I can hear them from 25' away in the bathroom through the sound of me peeing, I'd say that that be normal. :P



...I hope...

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i would be -shocked- if you could hear a submerged maxijet 400 from 25' away. yours might just be defective. have you checked it against another one to see if both sound the same?

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Arcbound Phyrexian

It's not vibrating against anything. I even made sure there weren't any bubbles between the suction cups and the glass. :P Also, I held them in the middle of the water with no difference, so it's definitely internal.


I tried running them one at a time to be positive it was both of them and found something interesting. The one on the left of the tank makes the noise as soon as it's plugged in. The one on the right does the same thing, except sometimes it's quiet when I first plug it in, but the noise kicks in two seconds later. This leads me to believe it's something loose. (Gotta be the propeller, right?)


I know it says not to run them out of water in the manual, but, at this point, I'll do whatever it takes to solve this. I took one out and ran it for a couple seconds and it definitely sounds, to my ears, that it is the propeller vibrating, or something.


Here are some pics I took. Hopefully someone can tell me if there's a piece missing or put together wrong on these. (The manual isn't very detailed. It doesn't even show the two washers.)









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Oh, they are the Marineland Maxi-Jet Pro. I was thinking they were the traditional MJ400s. Sorry, I can't say that I have any experience with these. :unsure:

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If I may make a suggestion, just buy a Koralia. I went through 4 different powerheads and the result was the same every time, they are loud, a pain to move(suction cups), and cause more harm than good.


Amazon has the koralia 750 for 27.99 shipped. BUY IT and NEVER LOOK BACK!!!!!

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  • 9 months later...

i took a look at mine WOW you wanna talk about noisy interestingly enough my other one is totally silent and working perfectly!, the propeller piece moves forward on the impeller shaft and hits the little ratchet piece on the front end before bouncing back and doing it again, thus the clicking. you see how they lock one way and not the other? try taking one of the plastic spacers and put it onto the shaft BEFORE the impeller so it cannot strike the top piece, ill try to take some pictures of what i mean if you want.

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FIGURED IT OUT!!!!! :naughtydance: :naughtydance: :naughtydance: :naughtydance:



glue the impeller and magnet together, make sure to push them all the way together, my quiet pro400 the impeller and magnet are one piece and now both are quiet as a church mouse! spread this info to other forums foe anyone with the same problem.

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Hmmm. I have 2 also on my 44, but I have not noticed the noise, maybe because everything else is so loud. :)

I will try that and see if it helps the noise.

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there will still be a slight humming, but the really loud buzz and clicking sound will be gone, all powerheads have a certain amount of noise, but it should not be able to be heard three rooms away! :wacko:

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