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new to board, new tank!


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hey everyone, i've been reading this message board for a while and its been a very valueable source of information. i just recently picked up an 29g tank with eclipse3 system for a very reasonable price. i have a few questions.


should i need a protien skimmer and a powerhead for better water conditions.

and as far as setting up my tank to start, do i add live sand and live rock b4 water or after the water?


thats it for now, im sure ill have a few hundred more questions coming real soon. TIA for helping the noobs:)

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Depends on who you ask. I've read of people using multiple methods. What I've found works pretty well is to add some water about 1/5 the height of the tank. Add your sand (this will help speed up the sand storm Then place your base rock (easier with the low water) Then once the sand starts to settle again, funnel in the rest of the water.

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Mutton Mogul

Short answer : You should read more. I'll just say it so noone flames you. The questions you asked have been answered before. There are a myriad of ways to have a healthy tank and there are a bunch of different types of tanks. FO, FOWLR, SPS, etc etc.


Now, the useful part. :)


Long answer : You add the water first, test for salinity, pH, etc, then add some live sand/rock.


Regarding a protein skimmer and a powerhead, it all depends on what you plan on having in your tank and what other methods of filtration you plan on having.


From what I gather, a powerhead is definitely a good idea, however, if you have enough live rock, you may be able to get away without a protein skimmer... that said, it really depends on what you plan on having in your tank.


If I were to start up a 29g, I would add the water, probrably have at least two powerheads for some nice flowage, add some sand/rock, let it settle down for a bit, then depending on what I wanted in the tank, decide whether or not to get a protein skimmer.


More than likely, you will want a protein skimmer unless you have other filtration methods. e.g. refuge aka fuge.


You really should read more, its an awful waste of money/aquatic life to jump into something without fully understanding everything.


If that wasn't helpful, at least it will point you in the direction as far as research goes.


Once again, take this with a grain of salt. I'm no expert.


Peace out.

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Tell me how you like that Eclipse 3 on your 29. I have one too, unfortunately, I hate it. You cannot get the *better* protein skimmers to work on them because of the way the hood sits on the tank. Mine is just a FOWLR tank for now until I have time to deal with the hood/PS situation.


Im a newbie, though I've had my tanks for a year now. I have a 29 gal. reef as well.

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