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Cultivated Reef

Another 20 gallon long!


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So here is my 20L. Its been running for only 3 months so its not filled up yet, I need more corals!!

Lit by 4x24W T5, its a 24in fixture, and a 2 bulb T5 coralife, that one is not even high output :huh:

There is no sump and no skimmer either. Only type of filtration is the LR, and I do weekly water changes.



















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Also, can anyone identify this anemone? I cant decide whether its a malu or a sebea. I think it prefers the sand and the tentacles are short and fatter at the middle which all suggest a malu, but it feels really sticky to the touch and makes me think its a sebea, never had either of them before so I dont know. Im slmost dure its a malu though.



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Welcome to the 20 long club.


You might consider a conch and some Nassarius snails to help with keeping the SB clean.


Malu is a Sebea, Heteractis crispa? I think the Malu comes from Hawaiian waters and others from Fiji.


Either way these have a reputation of being hard to keep and get quite large.

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The sand bed is like that because I was overfeeding for some time and then got cyano and an algea bloom, but its all going away...slowly.

I got the anemone because it was doomed to die at a LFS, it was held under 2 T5 bulbs. It was completely white and I got it for $10. I am aware of they're survival rate. But it colored up great and it seems to be liking the tank. But Im ready to move it to a tank with MH if it starts to bleach.

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The sand bed is like that because I was overfeeding for some time and then got cyano and an algea bloom, but its all going away...slowly.

I got the anemone because it was doomed to die at a LFS, it was held under 2 T5 bulbs. It was completely white and I got it for $10. I am aware of they're survival rate. But it colored up great and it seems to be liking the tank. But Im ready to move it to a tank with MH if it starts to bleach.


Good to hear you have a handle on the cyano, the stuff is so nasty looking and a PITA.


The Nem looks good for being badly bleach. Hope it keeps improving for you healthy specimen's of these are beautiful.

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I've heard they are different anemones and the malu stays much smaller, never growing larger than 10in.


I hope it improves too. This little tank can grow anything better than my 125g.

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I got a new pair of clowns a few days ago... I moved my perculas to another tank and put these in the 20L. They are a pair of ORA Black Perculas, unlike the usual black ocellaris, these are rare, specially since the only white they have is half a bar on the head that only covers the top of the head.



This os the female, the male looks just like her except a bit smaller.

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