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PH Problem ?????


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Very confused about my PH. Relevant parameters are

DKH 10.2 salifert test.

Cal. 410 ppm salifert

phos 0.0 to extremely low on sailfert test

Water temp is at 75-76 deg.

salinty low at 1.022-1.023 in process of raising it..

Ph is test with Coralife ph pen Calibrated 2/28/04

Tank is going on 4 1/2 weeks

Problem is i can't get the PH to go above 7.8-7.9

Does it matter that I test in the evening ?

I've got 80w over my nano cube, I think photo cycle has a

effect on ph during the day, but i could be wrong.

How do I raise ph with dkh and cal. at acceptable ranges.

One thing that i don't like about the nanocube is lack of aeration

of the water ,especially without skimmer. Does DO have any effect.

I'm just confused ,please inform....

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im not sure, but there should be an article on this. If not im gona write one. Ive answered this question over 20 times but here it goes again.


PH also known as the window into how much c02 your tank can hold or is currently holding. Ca/Alk play a role in the ph with the balance of acids in your tank but generally ph problems come from lack of gas exchange in your tank. A good way to test it is to take out a water sample from your tank and leave it out a few hours then test that water. If there's a difference such as ph being where it should be then your tank is holding in too much c02.


Yes checking at different times does give you slightly different results. During the light cycle photosynthesis is occuring and so the ph is higher than it would be near the end or at night. Also remember that the ph in your actual house and the room the tank is in can play a role. A closed house with little ventilation can also throw off your readings. HTH

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I'm having the same problem, my pH hovers around 7.94 in the morning, and up to 8.03-8.06 in the evenings. I was a little lower, like 7.84, and 7.94, but I aimed a powerhead at the surface, and that did what Reefer_Buddha said and raised the pH. It seems to have hit a ceiling though. I can't get it to go stay above 8.1 Only thing I can think now is that the house is just filled with C02. I've got the surface agitating a lot, open top, open aquaclear filter, open top fuge with plenty of macro, and I still can't get above 8.06.

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Do you ever test the pH of your top off water, or the water that you add in water changes?


Sometimes RO/DI (the DI part) will make your pH dip down, and when you mix it up for water changes, it might not be buffered enough to bring the overall pH in the tank up. If you're not already, you really need to aerate the heck out of water change water before you do the change, to increase the oxygen content and give you a leg up on the pH.

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1. Raise the salinity to 1.025-1.026 (like you said).

2. Check your magnesium (1300-1500 ppm; it prevents the calcium from precipitating out).

3. Check your ammonia and nitrite (they should be at 0).

4. Take a powerhead and point it at the surface of the tank so the water is constantly rippling/in motion.

5. If none of the above helps, you might consider (if possible and depending on where you live) running an airline to the tank from a pump that is OUTSIDE. I have heard of people doing this and successfully raising their pH when all else failed (see last paragraph of Reefer-budha's post.)

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That seems alittle high on salinty, But if thats the norm i'll go that high.

Yes i'm going to start aerating the tank this weekend, also the NSW for the water changes.

Cool another test kit I have to buy. But I was under the impression that 20% water changes would keep my trace elements in check ?

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Marcelo31, That is not too high, 1.025-1.026 is where you want it for a reef system.


In my case, my water change water always comes out at around 8.2, and even the RO I use is about 8.3 (just RO, not RO/DI). My pH stays between 7.9 in the mornings to 8.06 in the late evenings. Even with good sufrace agitation, I can't get my pH any higher. And this is with calcium of 480 and alk for 4.3.


I'm thinking that my girlfriend and I just must be co2 blowhards. Our apartment only has two windows, one being a sliding glass door. The tank is on the opposite side from the windows, so probably not in an area where it can get a lot of o2.

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wWell i keep replacing Evap. waterwith NSW. I'm at 1.023 so i still got a ways to go. Going to get another airpump for nano sump aeration. We'll see if that has affect.

Thanks for all the info.

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