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Coral Vue Hydros

Atlantic Live Rock versus Pacific


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In general, live rock varies in shape, density, color, and type of hitchhikers. Maybe someone can offer you more specifics. Whether it’s cured or uncured might be a bigger consideration. I also like to get a few pieces of LR that have a good amount of coralline already on them.

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Because of the ban on collection, Atlantic live rock is aquacultured. It also tends to be shipped fast. Less die of, lots of cool hitchhikers like sponges, worms, porcelain crabs, corals, macros etc. Also, usually, some nasties, like hairy crabs, fireworms, occasional mantis shrimp. It also tends to be denser, but mine has been more than adequate for biological filtration. You just need more rock to fill the same area. If you want to know more, check out Tampa Bay Saltwater.


Since I haven't used Pacific rock, I'll let others describe its merits.

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If you get the right pieces of aquacultered lr, then you shouldn't need more than 1 1/2 lbs per gal. Although most of the rock is just big and lumpy, some of it is twisted and full of little caves. These rocks will have a rough surface, and are easily recognisable. Also, I prefer aquacultered lr because it's always covered in coralline, so it's instant gratification. Unlike with most pacific rock which is usually gray/brown with a couple spots of dead coraline.



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