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How does this rock look? (Pics)


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I spent the better part of an hour wading through a tank of live rock and came up with 10lbs of this stuff:








So what do you think about them?

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Where did you get the rock? Looks like some quality stuff. Of course will look better when it gets going. Looks like you have the Coralife Aqualight. I found the cheapest price for mine at Marine and Reef a while back.

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The rock looks like your average cycled tonga rock. Looks fine to me but it will look a lot better about a month down the road. I literally just set up a third reef tank this year with some awesome looking Kaelini rock from Dr. Mac's corals, it's amazing rock, totally covered in coral heads, porites, macro algaes and.. well.. chock full of stuff.

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cool thanks.


I got the rock at my LFS Blue Sierra in Issaquah, Washington.


The Coralife 20" 96watt was from hellolights.com

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Very nice:). I see your tanks coming along nicely..heh. I'm also planning to buy the rock from Blue Sierra, hopefully they still have a good selection. Just received my lights from hellolights as well. Good luck on your new setup :)

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I picked the rock out of the tank by the fridge I believe it said "tonga $7.99" I think the begining of next week I am going to add about 3 more pounds of rock.

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The best time to hit blue sierra is on fridays. That is when they get their new shipments in. Many people will be there to pick the best of the litter too.


We got some great stuff from them. Rock is pretty full of life, and has a really quick cycle. I set up one tank with washing the rock off in saltwater, and another without washing it a whole lot. The tank I didn't wash the rock in has really come alive! and the cycle seemed to be over in days!


Also, get a pound or two of Live Sand from the established tank. It is on the lower left hand side of the shelves with the freshwater fish on the other side. We did this and got so much life it was amazing! Even baby stars.


Blue Sierra Kicks!! :) Much better than Saltwater City, and SO much cheaper!!

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I'm soooo gonna be there on Friday..LOL. Thanks! MGX/Nano - Do you know if the cured rocks from Blue Sierra will have a rotting smell when it cycles? I just realized my tank is in my room and I can't imagine falling asleep while my room smells like crap =). I was thinking of moving it to the living room if I the smell will be too overpowering Never had any experience with this so just wanted to know your thoughts. Thanks



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Mine hasn't smelled yet :)


A word of advise from the tall blonde guy. Dig to the bottom of the tank because this stuff has been in there the longest and probably has the most life. I got my live sand on the right side of the isle looking from the desk. It was on the bottom in the second tank from the goldfish end. It has a lot of little sand dollar looking shells :) I think it is the perfect grain size for sand.




Did you have to add anything to your tank to get it to cycle? Nothing seems to be happening in mine. I added three blue leg hermits hopefully that will add some ammonia and get the cycle going.

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As for the smell, the day after we set up any tank it smells like one of the kids has a dirty diaper in the house. The next day it is gone. So there shouldn't be too much consern over smell. Also, the more live sand you get to seed the substrate, and the deeper in the tank you get your LR from the shorter your cycle will be. Also, like I said before, don't scrub the rock, just rinse it. You could kill the sponges on it which will end up causing a longer cycle.


Also, be careful with who you talk to in that store. the short girl knows NOTHING and the tall blonde dude is really sharp! There is one guy who works late before closing sometimes that sold me my sebae that was totally bleached and white as paper. The tips were even turning pink, rather than the pretty purple color they should be. He pointed out it was a "really pretty white long tentacle sebae" and joked that he should be charging me more.




At least it is doing better.


Just watch for Aiptasia. They don't do much to control it, and you can find them in almost every tank.

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Hey MGX/Nano,


Sorry to totally derail the topic, but I just wanted to ask you both how the live sand sold at Blue Sierra suppose to be. I mean, I bought live sand and it just looks...umm..dead. Is it suppose to have little critters in it or what? Mine's totally lifeless!!!! I just realize they don't really have a holding tank for live sand and for all I know they just fill one of the tanks with dead sand and sell it as "live".


Hopefully that's not how they do business, but I guess I'm just being a little paranoid. However, just bought live rock from there and it's excellent.


Oh, and you're absolutely right about the short girl not knowing anything. hehe...

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I don't believe you will see anything moving in any way. Now though I have some kinda of white sausage thing coming out of the sand kinda scary.


What is the phase also when the tank gets covered in brown stuff? That just happened, and I am not home right now to see what is going on. :( I think I'll post another thread later.

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The live sand will be alive with bacteria more than anything. They let their sand cure in there and keep a few critters around in the tank to keep the cycle going. The sand is great!


The diatom bloom is normal. It looks bad, but signals that you are nearing the end of the cycle. It will go away on its own.

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I know think my test kits don't work :( Everything reads 0 except for Ph which reads around 8.0


I asked during lunch if Saltwater city could test all the params for me and they said they could do it for free. Then I'll go somewhere else to get the new test kit cheaper ;)

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nano man can

Yeah i wouldnt go to saltwater city that much because they took advantage of me when i was younger and sold me fish when i shouldnt of bought any i didnt know any better back then. I dont wanna influence anyone thats just my opinion. Theyll sell anything for $$$.

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nano man can

i would try not to go to saltwater city as much because they will sell you anything for $$$ . Blue sierra is way better priced and the people that work there are way more experianced in reef keeping!!!!

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The rock looks great-it will develop into some really colorful stuff.

-BTW is there anything covering your tank or is it open top with the light suspended over?


if it is open top your going to lose a hell of a lot of water from evap(more then usual) when you get a fish be careful of him jumping-my 6 line wrasse doesn't try to jump out of the tank however sometimes he gets startled (when I get up in the mourning- or when my cat jumps up near the stand) and he darts for the top-he would have been on the floor I didn't have a cover.

Good luck with your reef!


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