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New tank...pictures of stuff i dont recognize.


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Two things that popped up in my tank today. Could anybody help identify? By the way, my tank is only 3 weeks old and still cycling.


The picture on the left:


The thing on the left if what i picked off an overhang on my liverock. Im thinking that it's bubble algae and i didnt want to give it a change to start multiplying.


Am i right? Is this bubble algae? It's really hard, feels almost like a rock. I hope i didnt pick off something nice.


The picture on the right:


These little creatures have popped up all over the place. They look like little white rings with 20 little arms that sway in the

current. Are these pests of some sort?

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Is there any possibility you could get a clearer pic of the right side? That looks like a bubble algae to me, my philosophy has always been to remove anything on live rock that can't be IDed on live rock.

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The green thing on the left is bubble algae... take it out, but be careful not to pop it. The white thing ont eh right is a hydroid. They are harmless.

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Thanks for the info!


After i took it out of the water, i tried popping it, out of curiosity. The thing is hard as a rock. I couldnt pop it if i tried.

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It does look and sound like bubble algae. The white "thing" on the right hand side looks like a juvenile jelly or juvenile coral. Some corals and anemonies go through a jellyfish like planktonic stage before they settle down. It could also be a hydra, which will remain small and only be dangerous to pods or larval fish. Without a really clear closeup shot, it's too difficult to tell.

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Bubble algae and hydroid, IMO.


Bubble algae is really hard, but something really fun I learned about bubble algae... when you pick the "mass" off of the rock, invariable you'll open a tiny hole at the base of each bubble.

Beign filled with water, well... it makes a really amusing way to scare the hell out of people "Look, it's a spitting nudibranch... *squirt* OH NO! It got you!"


Yeah, I know, I can be quite childish sometimes, but... damnit, gotta do -something- fun during tank cleaning.



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