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carbon-mantis© 10g Macroalgae farm


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Tank shot 5/11/2011



Tank shot 4/24/2011



Tank shot 4/6/2011



Tank shot 3/29/2011



Tank shot 3/24/2011


Anyhow, current list of inhabitants, freeloaders, and carpetbaggers-



•Green star polyps

•Red actinodiscus mushroom

•Blue clove polyps

•Palythoa polyps

•Parazoanthus polyps


•Small rock-flower anemone

•Small Condylactis anemone



•Untold hordes of dwarf cerith snails

•A few large cerith snails


•Nassarius zombies

•3 Astreas

•1 "Ninja Star" snails that hitchhiked with the rock

•One mean looking isopod that comes out at night to munch on stuff(now possibly dead, anemone chow)

•One 6-7" Eunice worm that may or may not be dead(came with the rock, haven't seen him since then)

•All of the usual foraminiferans, sponges, tunicates, and worms that come with SealifeInc rock.


Current algae


•Botroycladia "Red Grape"



•Caulerpa mexicana(hitchhiker)

•Caulerpa prolifera

•Caulerpa nummularia



•Pesky bits of chaeto that I can never get rid of

•"Red Spotted" algae







•Prizm Skimmer

•Cheap HOB filter w/ chemipure

•Old Koralia 1 pump

•Little Hydor pump, maybe ~200gph

•FNI 96w 24" quad-t5, Half 420nm, half 10,000k



Pics to come soon. The Ulva started out of a little penny frag from reefcleaners, and has tripled in size since I purchased it, along with seeding 80% of the rock with little ulva sprouts. A bit of a pest, but a valuable one.


As soon as the ulva grows out a little more, I'll be snipping it off and shipping it out to anyone who wants some, if they'll pay the shipping costs. I need to experiment more with shipping live things, so I figure this will work as an excellent subject.

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Ohey look, pics! Since these were taken I've cleaned up a good portion of the pest algae. Still needs to get rid of the salt creep on the back, but to do that I needs to turn everything off and remove the filters for a bit.


Anyhow, a few hitchhikers. 80% SealifeInc rock, came with all sorts of neat little creatures and algae.alg5.png


Codium from ReefCleaners. It was originally one large specimen, but the branches broke off soon after gluing. I've attached those to other parts of the rockwork, and they're sprouting new branches now.



Full tank shot. The ulva has grown considerably in just a few days. Unfortunately for some unknown reason the mother plant is dying back.



Gracilaria, Ulva, Codium, and Rhodymenia. A tiny sprout of Caulerpa mexicana popped up behind the Gracilaria, but it's growing very slowly so far.



Another angle. Algae, bryopsis I think, is growing on the Codium. Removed most of it, and bought some Tech-M to deal with the rest should it get out of hand.



Pics are a bit dull, partially due to that hard green algae encrusting on the glass. Lost my razor scraper somewhere, but a new one is in the mail, along with a Mg test kit and the Tech-M. So far the pink coralline is bleaching out, but I'm already seeing patches of orange/red starting to replace it.


So far no fish/inverts save for the CUC. Should be getting in some mushrooms and GSP in a week or two.

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The big hunk of it started dying back this morning, and it's already lost about 1/5th of it's mass. Whatever may be wrong with it, I'm hoping it doesn't spread to the smaller bits on the rocks. I was hoping to give some of those away when they got big enough :(

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New photos, as the above are a week old.


5 days of ulva growth.



Nerite snail from Reefcleaners. Usually I've had problems wih them escaping, but this batch turned out to be excellent glass cleaners.



A reversal of fortunes! The hermit was pestering the nerite, so the nerite decided to go for a ride on the hermit crab.




Little featherduster on the rock.



Astrea with a colony of hydroids growing on it's shell.



Full tank shot 3/29/2011


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Builder Anthony

Sea leatuce is so cool im waiting to ge some.I just like the green of it plus it waves nicely.Im jealous.That snail is pimp too.

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May drop by a shop a few towns over either tomorrow or Saturday. They occasionally have some anemones that aren't priced too bad. Last time I was there they had a few small bleached Haitian condys for just a few bucks each, and some bubble tips for around $30. If possible I might grab something to color up for store credit or trades somewhere else.


Also, might look around for small fishes.

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Going to have to glue in the codium frags; snails mowed over them and detached them sometime between last night and this morning.


Picked up a little silver-dollar sized rock anemone at the pet shop for about five dollars. Just put it in the tank, and it looks really pissed off right now. Sort of "puffy" looking. . .


I tested the SG of the pet shop's water and it read at 1.019 on my hydrometer; my SG is 1.026. I have two other hydrometers, so I cross-checked the bag water on those and got the same reading(yes yes, I'll get around to getting a refractometer when I can). Drip-acclimated it for about three hours. Hopefully it'll look a bit better off tomorrow.

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Builder Anthony

Got any more pictures?Your tank looks pretty nice do you have anything weird in there that comes out at night?

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Well, the anemone is settled in now. Attached itself to the verticle face of the big rock on the right. It's bleached out pretty good, so I'm leaving the lights on half-power for now. I'll see about snapping a picture of it.


Also ordered some GSP and a mushroom from TennisWildcat95, and some macro frags from AdrianBryce. Should arrive in a few days.

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New pics! Awesome new macros courtesy of AdrianBryce!





Full tank shot 4/6/2011.




Yellow polyps.








All sorts of macroalgae.




Rock anemone settled in.


The Ulva has gotten too big for it's own good now. Come this next Monday I'll have some pieces of it up for sale or trade in the classifieds.


Got a mushroom and GSP from TennisWildcat95, and Botroycladia, Caulerpa, and weird leafy red stuff from AdrianBryce. Hopefully they all survive. So far I have yet to successfully raise more than a single leaf of caulerpa, so this will probably be my final experiment with it if it fails...

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Builder Anthony

Just try to macth the salt when you add it in there.You could probally feed heavy with all that sea leatuce.Ive been trying to get sea leatce for about 3 week.I dont think id pay shipping for it i guess ill have to wait.


Have any other odd things in your tank?

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A few odd things here and there. There's a 1" brachiopod on the underside of one of the rocks, and a nice little colony of red plating coralline growing in the back. I have the one tiny colony of really pretty sps coral that came with the rock; bright pink with green polyps. I'm thinking maybe Porites. Hasn't grown a bit, but it's still alive.

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Well, something spawned in the tank. Looked in the tank with a flashlight before I turned the lights on, and in one corner there's a mass of tiny tadpole-like larvae, maybe 0.5mm long individually. They swim in a really jerky, undulating motion, so it's really difficult for me to even see their shape with my hand lens.


They gather wherever I shine the light, sort of like brine shrimp. Free food for the filter feeders I guess.

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Probally hermit crabs.


Maybe. I have these tiny little hydroid medusae in the tank that ate most of them in about 48 hours, and I never managed to siphon one out, so I suppose I'll never know.


On a tank update, nothing much to report. Everything is growing save for the red-spot macro, which isn't looking well. The Rhodymenia is especially taking off. Ulva has reached plague proportions, so I added a thread in the classifieds to sell some off. Traded a handful of it to lawnmowerblenny for some Clavularia polyps, which should be arriving tomorrow.


I could kill the damn Astreas right now; they crawled all over the different stalks of Codium yesterday and managed to detach all of them. Later today I'll see about gluing them back into place.

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tank looks sweet with all the ulva. Mine should be here today... I will be checking this thread, I like what youve done with the 10gal, this would be an amazing fuge for my 14gal. would help feed my target dragonette, not that he needs it but I like the idea of a macro fuge or tank...

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After two weeks of better lights and mysis feedings, the rock anemone has really gotten it's color back.







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I'll get one later today. A FTS right now would mean a giant wall of ulva and nothing else, unless I can get rid of some of it. A pity that the local shops are cutting back, I used to be able to trade them stuff, but now they won't even accept freebies :(

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