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chromias injured


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if my chromias is injured after 3 months how long does it take for him to get better - scales are missing in some area - where the scales should be it is either white or brown looking. will it make it? it eats very well.

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How badly injured? Just scales missing or and open wound? If you say he's eating then it should do fine. Only thing that you might worry about is fungus and infection. You might wanna try mela-fix i think it's called. I never tried it, just seen ads for it.

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I know that I feel very sad the way it looks - lots of missing scales. If I don't heal it with medicine and fungi grows on it - will that mean its demise?

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It probably will not mean it's demise but then you have to deal with the fungi in addition to the injury. Keep the water clean and feed him healthy foods and there shouldn't be a problem.

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Add garlic and highly-unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA, sold as Selcon at most stores) to your regular feedings. Garlic has been found to be a good immune-system booster, and HUFA are essential in maintaining a healthy fish. And a healthy fish, is a happy fish. Happy, healthy fish fight off fungus better. and to osme degree, bacteria, which is also a concern with open wounds.



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Yeah, you find HUFA at any decent fish store. The most common brand is Selcon, but a lot of other brands have their own version, with highly similar names. Stuff like Selco, Selcomax, Selcorama, Selcollamallamadingdong, etc., etc..

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you use mella fix turn off your skimmer if you have 1 and remove carbon. if you leave the skimmer on you will get so much foam waste. leave it off for about a day. but other than that it wouks great for tissue/fin regeneration.

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