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Cultivated Reef

20g long CUC


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Hello All,


I am getting ready to start stocking my 20g long over the next few months (gradually).

I have in my quarantine tank 1 mexican tubo snail and 1 nessarius.

I would like some suggesions of some more little guys that would go well with a coral reef tank.


I have two ocellaris, and might add another fish-I could also use some suggestions for this as well?

I have about 30ish pounds of live rock with sand and a 4/5 gallon refugium in my 20 gallon sump. I have a sand 4 inch or so sandbed in there as well.


So......basic (fun?) CUC for the 20g long. I would like to have some shrimp or even a crab in there so let me her what you have to say.....


Also good fish mates for ocellaris clowns in this size tank, total water volume is probably 33 or so gallons. (I have an ro/di unit 75 gallons per day and I will be doing frequent water changes)



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CUC for a 20L I would suggest the following:


6 - 10 Nassarius snails (not the ones that get jumbo sized). Initial population should provide enough of them to establish themselves before losing a couple, but allowing them to breed in your tank and provide a constant population.


10-12 Cerith snails or more if you can get dwarf ceriths


1 small Turbo snail (if you don't have algae issues, you may need to add some algae wafer etc to the tank so the snail doesn't starve.)


2 Tectus snails (a type of trochus)- Take care of rockwork algae and glass a bit.


2 Black footed Trochus snails - so do the same, but they usually stay on the grass.


6-8 Mexican Black Hermits


That should take care of most tank issues.. it may seem a little excessive, but there are always die off of some crew when they are shipped to you and the extra snails should make up for that.

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CUC for a 20L I would suggest the following:


6 - 10 Nassarius snails (not the ones that get jumbo sized). Initial population should provide enough of them to establish themselves before losing a couple, but allowing them to breed in your tank and provide a constant population.


10-12 Cerith snails or more if you can get dwarf ceriths


1 small Turbo snail (if you don't have algae issues, you may need to add some algae wafer etc to the tank so the snail doesn't starve.)


2 Tectus snails (a type of trochus)- Take care of rockwork algae and glass a bit.


2 Black footed Trochus snails - so do the same, but they usually stay on the grass.


6-8 Mexican Black Hermits


That should take care of most tank issues.. it may seem a little excessive, but there are always die off of some crew when they are shipped to you and the extra snails should make up for that.


Not a bad list. I would stay away from hermit crabs with the exception of a couple Scarlet reef crabs. They are good looking and are not as aggressive as other crabs. Mexican Turbos get quite large. 1 would be ok but not necessary unless you have an algae issue.


In a new tank I wouldn't get to carried away on snails or you will have die off due to starvation. Not saying nebthet's approach is wrong.


In my 20l I have 6 Med/Large Cerith snails (I don't like the dwarf ones), 6 Nerite Snails for rocks and glass and a couple Trochus or Turbo snails. These look like Astrea/Tectus but unlike the Astrea are more capable of righting themselves. 10 Nassarius Snails for the SB. I am a big fan of Conchs and would recommend a small Conch. 2 or 3 Scarlets Reef Crabs. That should cover the bases pretty good. As for other inverts. I have a PomPom Crab, never see it, Porcelain Crab, love it always hanging out in my frilly srums, of course of I have Goby Shrimp to go with my Hi Fin Goby and a cleaner shrimp.


I forgot to add the fish mates. I think a 20l is great for Gobies and Blennies. Check out my build for the fish I have. I just added a Yellow Assassor and love it.

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Sweet! Thanks for the responses! I may go up to that fish/pet place (in pa.) later this week. They have some good stuff in stock.

Here is another question. I would like to have an emerald or porcelain crab. I would also like to have a pom pom crab. The ones in stock at the store look reddish (the pom pom crab) and they are called boxers. From what I have read these are the same crabs correct? Will they cohabit a tank with an emerald or porcelain crab?



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That is why I suggested the Mexican Black Hermits that I have, as they remain small. The scarlet hermit I have though , got big and limbers all over the place in my tank and annoys all my corals..


and I agree, only get the number of snails that will be able to survive in your sand bed if you have only had your tank set up for a few weeks, otherwise you might have to feed a little specifically for the snails to survive until the sand bed is sufficiently populated.

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Sweet! Thanks for the responses! I may go up to that fish/pet place (in pa.) later this week. They have some good stuff in stock.

Here is another question. I would like to have an emerald or porcelain crab. I would also like to have a pom pom crab. The ones in stock at the store look reddish (the pom pom crab) and they are called boxers. From what I have read these are the same crabs correct? Will they cohabit a tank with an emerald or porcelain crab?




I would recommend the porcelain over the emerald. I have never had luck with them. I have a Pom Pom with my Porcelain and never have had a problem. Pom Poms are pretty reclusive.

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cool.--i have a lfs closer to me, but they only have emeralds.....i have to drive about an hour to get the porcelain and pom pom and some of the hermits that were mentioned,....come tomorrow it is on like donkey kong and i will have a small but fun clean up crew plus some cool crabs. i appreciate the responses!

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