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1 more lighting question!!!


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Have to have a 36 in fixture. So I have a 36 in fixture from lowes and 1 30w sunglow 6500k, and 1 30w marine glow 18500k. Is this sufficient lighting for a 72 gallon.This is a fish only tank with live rock in it. Any good lighting suggestions.

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just spend some money on buying a 2x96W Power Compact lighting..that would be the best..hey..i am selling my 2 month old JBJ Delux power compact lighting with built in fans with individual switches if you want..i upgraded to a 48" tank..so i am buying MHs...if you want..i will sell it to you for $200...compare to ~$300 new...its less then 2 months old..you can look into my thread for the looks..in the member's section


thank you will have enough lights

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For a 72g, you're going to want more like 250-300W of light from powercompacts. There's no way two 30W bulbs are going to do the trick. Most of us have that much (or more) on a 10g.


Really, for that size aquarium, you should probably start looking at Metal Halide lights for getting enough intensity.



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In a FOWLR you will be fine with any lighting you want:

The question is how much growth do you wanna see on your liverock. I would think with another 30W you could have great coraline growth but no corals untill you upgrade your lights.

for even softies I would put at least 250W over a 75Gal. tank



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being a fowlr (fish only w/ live rock) tank you don't need that much lighting unless u want it for the looks. live rock does not need a bunch of light.

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