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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Refugium Question?


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We put 1.5 in of Aragonite, and 1 inch of miracle mud in out 20 gal refugium. Nothing growning in there but brown diatom algae I think. A hairy brown algae. Will Calerpa develop in its own, or do I have to go buy it. I live in San Diego and been to all the fish stores and none of them have calerpa ever. If they do they use it for their own tanks. Anyone know where I can get some caulerpa or mangroves online?

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you can find MAngrove at Jeff's aquatics..and Caleurpas..sorry to tell you..but it is illegal to sell..so just find another reefer that have extras to give you...

I am trying to buy 2-5 lbs of asst Cleurpa thru a secret route from Florida...but it will cost me $60 for 2 lbs...if you want some..contact me and we will talk

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If you are willing to wait, I could easily supply you with two types of caleurpa and a great red algae when I get back to SD (right before September)... Let me know if you are interested.... If you have ever been to Aquatic Warehose and seen the algae in their desplay refuge I have a similar algae (only red).... Send me an e-mail... On that note: an appology to anyone who has recently sent me an e-mail, I haven't checked my box in quite some time... But promise that I will do so soon!!!

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I am in SD and I have a lot of feather caulerpa if you are interested. I trim this stuff back weekly and place the trimmings in a small 2 gal aquarium.

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