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Macro algae in Refugium


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I have been trying to figure out by reading the other posts if I should try to root my caulerpa in the sand, or try to attach it to live rock, or just let it float in my refugium. What do you do? thanks

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brace the macro against a rock. it should quickly attach and spread. what type of caulerpa?


some types grow easier thru sand (taxifolia) while others root into the rock (grape) easily. prolifera needs some current ime but grows slightly better on rock than substrate ime (could've been light availability too). hth

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Great that is very helpful. I believe I have both Taxifolia, and Prolifera. No rock in the refugium, yet, will add some. thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had grape caulerpa along with another viney kind of macro algae and neither have made it. I set LR down on the caulerpa to kinda hole it down and give it a choice of sand or rock to attach to. It got light from my 175watt MH 10K during the day and a 15 watt aquarium light at night. I just gave up. It grew in the main tank where I didn't want it and want live in the refugium.

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