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Help! Blue Linkia Starfish concern.


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Hie all,


My starfish is giving out some brown discharge. I don't know if it is just regular waste or something is wrong with him.


Please advice.


PS: This happened after my anenome got caught in my powerhead and died.

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one of 2 options......

puking star or dead star.

anemones and powerheads often spell disaster.

keep an eye on it... it may be stressed

Id do a substantial w/cX)

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its is essential to give any stars a proper acclimation process..they take longer than an fish or corals. The best way i find is to put them in a tub of the water that you have i in the bag, use an airline tubing and drip fro your main tank water slowly..the process may take up to an hour..

it seems like he is stressed out.. and hopefull he dont start loosing nay of his legs...if he does.he's a gonner...sorry...

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