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cycling problem ? Ammonia still high


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My JBJ nanocube has been up and running for one week today. The water has been pretty cloudy although it may be clearing slightly. My ammonia reading has been off the scale for the last five days and I still don't get a reading on the nitrite level.


Do I have a problem? smell has dimished slightly but still there. Should I not begin to get a nitrite reading and shouldn't the ammonia at least be coming down slightly. Every test I've done, it is so dark green it's off the scale


Salinity 1.025

Temp: 80

Lights: 8 hrs


Can anyone offer any suggestions or assurance?




Paul P


:( :( :x :*(

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These things take time and every tank will cycle at a different pace. You may still see ammonia for a week or two more. Until you see nitrites the ammonia will still read off the scale. Tanks that take as long as six weeks to cycle are not unheard of, but I doubt that will be your case.


Do you have some live rock?

Did you use live sand?

If not, get some live rock at least.

It will help speed your cycle along. Tanks cycled without liverock take much longer.


Trust me, we have all been through the "Why won't it hurry up and cycle?" stage at some time. It's frustrating when you want your tank to look sooo cool, and there it sits empty. It will happen, and when it does it will be worth the wait.

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Thanks you guys for the re-assurance.


I am reminded of a poster I once saw of three vultures sitting on a cactus. The caption read "patience, my ass, I'm going to kill something"


Paul P

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Also, if you add more live rock or live rock for the first time, I would recommend removing anything that smells bad or looks like it is dying or dead with a new unused toothbrush. Scrub the rocks now and prevent more ammonia from building up in your tank. You can also add some bacter vital (marc Weiss I think). THere is fresh and saltwater versions. I have heard that this can help speed up cycles.

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