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Initial Algae Bloooms


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Background: 7 gallon minbow running for 2 months that cycled within 2 weeks. RO/DI water, AC300 fuge with grape calupera.


Is alot of green hair algae at 2 months still a function of initial algae blooms or do you think that it will continue to be a problem that will need specific attention?

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what kind of clean up crew do you have?

are you doing weekly water changes?

is the bulb you are using old? (this can cause excess algae)

are you over feeding?


these are some things to think about that can cause/cure hair algae. I still wouldnt freak out at the 2 month point though unless your tank is just infested with hair algae.

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Clean Up Crew consists of 4 hermits, 5 Astrea and 1 Emerald crab. I don't overfeed and I do a once per week water change along with manually pulling out as much GHA as I can w/o disturbing the rocks. I would like to avoid pulling the rocks out. The snails take care of what's on the glass and the hermits don't seem to touch the stuff that get's too long. I'm just confused about what's normal for a new tank... like this stuff will just magically disappear. BTW, I love the comments from people like "I love that green stuff that looks like hair in your tank!"

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My emerald crab is slowly eating all the hair algae in my tank. Every day there is less and less of it, but I never see him. Setup the camcorder last night and sure enough his is working his way around the tank.

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I read something about this at reefcentral.

You can search there and find some info.

Here's my opinion. Phosphate usually is the thing that contribute hair algae bloom.


1. You may check your RO/DI unit, see if you need to replace any filtes.

2. Check if you have any specific rock that hair algae keeps appearing regardless of your effort. Then, there's possibility that the rock release PO4 into your water... throwing that rock outta water may be a solution.

3. You may use some PO4 eating product like Phrosphate sponge.

4. Skimming, water change and carbon will help clean your water.


Hope you can find the cure soon. :)

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That and/or vary up the species of hermit crabs. I've found that true mexican red legged hermit crabs (the really little ones) love tuft algaes.


All of the above tips are also good.

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