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Opinions: Via Aqua Tanks


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Hey Guys,


Ive been watching and helping a friend with his reef system, and im sold on getting one myself...of course, for me, space is at a premium so its is going to be a nano....


Ive started my planning, and i am looking at getting a via aqua tank cos they look so damn good particularly the chrome colour, and then modding with probably a millenium 1000 or somehting to start and more later...but anyway...these were the 3 options:


1. Via Aqua AR380...10gal...i know they have bad lights in them, but spoke to one of the LFS and they said they are starting to release with them with new semi decent compact fluros. Is this true?


2. Via Aqua CR320....like a cube, not too sure about specs, but saw one at the shop and the lights seem great for the size...


3.Via Aqua 418....open top system....



I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on these tanks, and any pros and cons....i wanna get it right, so you cna let fly on any criticisms you have


thanks guys and gals!!!

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One of my LFS has 3 of the via aqua setup as nano reefs. They are using raised lights that I believe are sold by via aqua. The FLS has two 10g and I believe the big one is a 18g. They have sold about 12 of them all ready setup and haven't had any customers coming back to complain about them. Most of the post here are positive.


did a quick search and Goliath's tank was the first one I saw. The lights look just like his.



As far as pro's and cons any tank has both; just depends on who you ask. It also depends on how complex you want to get with it. Do you want to add a fuge auto top off etc..


Search through the old post and check out all of the members with these tanks(post and gallery). Good luck and welcome to the board.


Sorry can't be any more descriptive but I've only seen them at the LFS and I will say they do look nice :D

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thanks alot for the info...


Im not too sure what i want at look at doing, thinking about starting off slowly and not having too much and trying to get it right first. I like the open tops but not too sure about the whole evap issue...


has anyone out there modified the hoods on the via aquas to allow for hob powerhead or the like?


thanks again

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I have a Via Aqua AR-330 (6gal), it has the full hood and intergrated filter. The stock lamp, a 10 watt fresh and sea (pink lamp) is 330mm in length. Unable to locate a replacement lamp in that size. I installed a 28 watt compact flourescent from Hello Lights (www.hellolights.com), also install a small 12v cooling fan. I works great. Temperature is pretty stable and evaporation is minmal because of the fully enclosed hood. I use the intergrated filter for water circulation, I run carbon and occasionally the filter pad to polish the water. Keep the water level up to minimize bubbles.

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I've got the 418w. 15 gallon setup, Great tank. super quality, I've been running it for several months now at my work worry free. Just added a skimmer, and a filter. Keep the bio load low, and have a nice softie tank with a couple fish.

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