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Cultivated Reef

Where can i get a 70watt DE MH retro kit from?


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Anyone Know?






Moderator Note: I copied your thread to the Lighting Forum. Please don't freak out this time. I do such things for your benefit.

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HelloLights.com, although the ballast isn't the best. I'd try to find an Aromat ballast on ebay and just DIY it yourself. It's not hard to do at all. You may want to get you bulb and socket from HelloLights though, as they have some good prices on those items.

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Yes i did mean retro i hav a ViaAqua that has 2x18 Pc hood. ITs good enough for now for my softies and LPS but i want to upgrade deff down the road. I seen sombody on here retro it into the hood. WOuld 13watt of PC be enough atinic supplement for a 70watter. Also do they make 70DE Hqis in a hood i would love to see.

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I haven't seen any pics of a 70W DE in a custom wood hood. I'm sure it's been done, I just haven't looked hard enough yet. At any rate, it's the path that I'm taking. I'm going to include 2 x 13 watts of actinic PC's. For the 70W MH bulb I'm going with an Aqualine AB 10,000K, which actually runs at 13,000K.

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I'm putting a 70w Mh in a custom hood for my tank. I'm not done yet (it's taking me FOREVER), but here's what I've got so far:




I built up an inner frame (same dimensions as the top of the tank) and put the regent fixture in there. I'm planning on adding 2x36w actinics as well. There will be a piece of plexi between the lighting and the water surface, and there will be two seperate ventilation systems:

2x80mm fans blowing over the surface of the water (always on)

2x60mm fans blowing into the upper portion of the hood to cool the lights.


With any luck, this setup won't run too hot, and the added airflow over the water surface will allow me to not spend the $$$ on a chiller.


I'll post an article in DIY forum about the hood once it's complete. Hope this helps!



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The fire extinguisher there just in case?


You said that there would be a piece of plexi between the light and the tank, but will there be a UV filtering piece of glass? I have heard that those DE bulbs can put out too much UV and that protection (no snickering) should be used.


What fixture is that?


Looks like it's comming along nicely BTW.

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The mh is in a regent security light fixture. It originally had a DE halogen-quartz (i think) 300w bulb in it. There's a piece of UV treated glass on the outside of the fixture.


Fire extinguisher is there on purpose... I didn't trust my wiring until it was proven!




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Very cool.

I had wondered about using a DE halogen fixture to house a metl halid bulb. Too bad you cn't use the balast too. hehe Oh well, still the best buy on a reflector and bulb holder I would say.

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I'm in the process of building a hood for a 70w MH and 36w PC, as soon as I'm done with it I'll try to get ahold of a camera and get some pics up. The piece of UV protective glass I got for my 10g hood from a glass store was only $20.

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If your going to put an HQI in an inclosed hood you dont need the pendent. All you need is a 13W reflector, HQI base, and a 3" fan/power supply.


Then you can cut make the canopy much shorter.

You can get tempered UV glass cut at your local glass shop.




qfour20 - Thats a nice looking frame.

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  • 2 months later...


How close can the bulb be to the glass. I am going to set up a 70w, but I think I am going to just make an enclosure/reflector from polished stainless and mount the glass infront of it. Then I can cut down on the hight I need to make my hood, as you said.



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