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Turbo5nail's Custom Nanocube


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hey guys, first post ever

been lurking for the past 6 months



its been a little over 3 months already


for coral so far I have a bunch of ricordia, alveopora, striped mushrooms, hammer coral, and a xenia


1 cleaner shrimp, and a sand sifter of some kind


I also have a bunch of hermits, and turbo snails


I do have a small blue tang in there I'm trying to save, its going to go in the bigger tank after it gets done cycling


as for nanocube mods


I took out all the stock media, put live rock rubble and a polyester pad against the top of the intake in the first compartment, a bag of chemipure and black diamond carbon in the second, and then retrofitted a berlin 90 skimmer in the 3rd


put in some custom moonlights, its kinda ghetto, but not bad I guess for homemade

I might put in some more as they don't quite light up the whole tank, but thats after I do my csl 32watt retrofit

I will most likely do that this weekend


this is my first tank, and I'm pretty proud of it so far

let me know what you think

anyway on with the pics














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yeah just some quick pics I took at night

the lights were really bright so I had to tone it down a bit with the shutter

so yeah thats why it might seem kinda dark

In the future I will take day time pics

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oh I guess I also forgot to mention I added a rio 50 in the tank, the flow is greatly improved with an added powerhead, I'd recommend this to anyone with a nanocube

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second that, I'd like to know what skimmer you are using too.


It looks like you just cut out the opening where the vent is, but what type of skimmer.



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  • 3 weeks later...
CT nano reefer

hey guyz...he said it is a berlin 90 skimmer.. it states that in his initial post at the top..HTH...JIM:woot:

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