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Bug Problem Help!!!!!!!!!!!


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12 g nano cubew/ live sand/rock 4 snails 2 hermit crabs emerald crab tanks been fine for 2 1/2 mounths since i started it BUT, tiny clear bugs have been breading and have infested my tank!! there must be thousands of these suckers !!!!hermits and the emerald wont eat them!there all over on the glass,all over my rock,and thousands more in the sand bed now what PLEASE HELP! someone

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matt the fiddler

i need something that eats my flatworm infestatoion.. the clown and cleaner shrimp aint cutting it yet :-Þ



take a pic. let us see... mroe than "clear" is needed to id something.. they might auctually be good...


you sure they arn't pods?

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yeah post a pic.


Matt the Fiddler: There is a nubranch that feeds on flatworms (dont remember the exact name - do a search) - as far as I know there aren't any shrimp of fish that will eat them. Also, there's a couple of flatworm killing chemicals available. I too have a flatworm plague in my tank so I'll let ya know if I have any success any time soon.



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matt the fiddler

yea i knwo the nudi... it is the same one that ends up in powerheads.. [i think] which i have a plethrea of... they arn't hurtin much now..


flatworm trap is bad if you have any corals int he tank- once they die they kill everything goes unless you ahve tons of carbon going... gona wait a month or so more and see if they naturaly go away, then might try something out..

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When I first started my 50 gal reef tank, I too had a very large infestation of these little clear bugs, which actuall yturned out to look very shrimp like under a magnifying glass. Mine are very nocturnal and I really only catch them I first turn on my lights or in my protein skimmer. As far as I can tell, there not bad, in fact they scavenge on left over food and molted shells from my shrimps and crabs. But I have noticed that my Sally Light Foot crab eats them by the dozen. Hermits, snails, and my other fish don't seem to really care much for them.

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