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Hi All,


I'm new to this group and very excited to join! I set up a JBJ 12 gallon NanoCube about 3 weeks ago and had a question about additives. I am still cycling my tank, although it seems to be pretty much cycled. I'm getting zero readings from both my ammonia and nitrites, and my nitrates are about 5ppm. I think I'll wait another week just to be sure before I add any beings into it.


I'm currently adding ReefBuilder into my tank, and I was wondering what additives (if any) you all might be using. Is there a recommended dosing schedule I should be following? Please advise.


Thanks for any info!


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Your zen-like patience will payoff big dividends in the hobby. Kudos for deciding to hold off another week.

As for additives, don't get too hung up on dumping stuff into your nano, especially if you are just starting out. Less is more.

I'm not terribly familiar with ReefBuilder, but assume that it is a calcium and trace element cocktail.


Down the road, additives will be dictated by what your tank inhabitants are consuming, stony corals and clams require calcium, if you don't currently have a Ca test kit, put one on your shopping list. I also recommend picking up a phosphate test kit.


Focus on the basics, premium quality water, and the best lighting that your budget will allow, once again, based upon what you plan to keep. Small, frequent water changes will by default make up most of the trace element replacement in your system.


Best of luck with your system.

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