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Coral Vue Hydros

Hairy mushroom question- Help!


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Hey everybody. I have a hairy mushroom rock with about 8 1" mushrooms on it. The mushrooms looked great for the first week and a half, and then I went away for vacation. When I got back last night, the mushrooms appeared white (rather than the nice brown/green color) and shriveled. Some are worse than others. I'm thinking the mushrooms are dying and am wondering what steps I should take. The rock also has some polyps growing on it that are doing fine. Should I take the rock out, scrub the mushrooms off and then just put the rock back in the tank? I'm afraid if the mushrooms "melt" completely it would foul the tank quite badly. (There are other mushrooms, button polyps, and GSP in the tank that all look great, and the lr is flourishing.) Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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It is strange that they have all of a sudden taken a turn... How was their expansion before (I assume it was fairly decent)? How big is the tank, what is the lighting? Have you preformed a water change recently? Do you dose with anything? -sorry for all of the questions, but this would all help out!

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Thanks for the reply printerdown. Their expansion seemed good before, although I can't say for certain whether they were ever completely full, since I have no reference. The tank is an AGA Minni-bow 7 with a 32w SmartLite. A 10-15% water change was performed prior to leaving a week ago, and another one was performed yesterday. The tank gets dosed once a week with Seachem Reef Complete.

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