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Natutral filtration?


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I currently have a jebo 25 gallon nano cube. I currently have abt 30 lbs of live rock and 3-4 inch sand bed seeded with live sand. I am thinking abt removing the back portion of the tank, which is the filter, so I can add a HOB skimmer. Will the natural filtration be enough or do i also need to add a HOB filter? Currently also have 2 powerheads circulating water. Keep response will be appreciated since I plan on goin to the LFS tomorrow. Thanks.

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It depends on the set-up. Is the tank heavily stocked? Corals fish or both? Why do you want to add the skimmer? If the tank is doing well then you really don't need one. If your tank is stable with the HOB then removing it could throw things out of equilibirum, at least in the short term.


Whether or not to use mechanical/chemical filtration in addition to live rock appears to be a point of contention. I use them on all of my tanks for additional water circulation and additional media (phosban, carbon) when needed, but this is my preference and what I've been successful with.

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