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Innovative Marine Aquariums

I have two Powersweep 214's!


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Hey everyone! I have two powersweep 214s currently running in my tank... nothing is in the 20 high yet... but the TBS package is coming this saturday... Are these reliable powerheads???? I haven't heard anything about them... They seem to be pretty noisy. Should i return these powerheads... any recommendations?? Thanks!!



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They do seem to be noisy. Also I found that they may have run "hotter" than other power heads I have used. When mine stuck, I replaced them all with Penguins. I have found them to be quiet and reliable.

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penguins are only quiet if they're power cords are happy. sometimes it's hard to get the power cord to stay in it's "happy place." If the power cord isn't in it's "happy place" it'll keep everyone in the house up all night with a loud buzzing sound. I think I'm going to replace my penguin, because of that and it's so big too.

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Well I have a penguin and have been happy with it. It did buzz when it hit the glass but it stays put when I switched to the clamp instead of the suction cup.

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Actually, I use the clamp AND the suction cup. Not that I am a belt and suspenders man, I just stuck the suction cup on behind the unit to keep it off the glass. The post about the power cord is true though, I had forgotten about that. - a zip tie was all that was needed in my case.


Oh, and don't use the venturi thing - it'll malfunction and start shooting water out of the tank - just put in the little stopper and forget about it.

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I used the little cord keeper thing that was on the top of my 550's clamp to hold it right. It also holds the cord to the heater so all the cords are in one neat location.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had a powersweep for about 6 months. It works pretty well, but the sweep action gets stuck very quickly. It usually stays in one place and occasionally jumps across. This is actually ok for a wavemaker type action, but don't expect it to constantly sweep like it's supposed to. I like using the foam filter on it to help clean the tank, but it is very big and kind of an eyesore. It is louder than my other powerheads, but nothing too bad. Mine hasn't stopped on me yet, so as far as i know it's fine as a PH, just doesn't sweep all the time

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