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Cultivated Reef

Starting up my Nano-Cube


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Well I spent the entire day today all excited to get home, because my Nano-Cube and everything else was supposed to show up today, 3 packages in all. Damn the person who came up with the idea of the tracking number allowing you to obsesivly check the status of your packages every hour. I was like an 8 year old on Christmas morning when I walked up the starts to my apartment. When I got to the door I saw the FedEx note hanging there telling my stuff had arrived...... Until I read the number of packages."1" Man I was all worked up and ready to start working on putting my tank together, but I knew I wouldnt have everything if only one package was here. So the Nano-Cube was in the package. I filled it up to make sure there werent any leaks and to make sure the pump and everything works. Now it is just sitting there on my standing taunting me with its imaginary tounge stinking out at me:P . I can just hear it saying HAHAHA now you have to wait longer. Anyone know if FedEx delivers on Saterdays? Anyway I hope I will get the rest of the stuff soon, that way I can add the protien skimmer to it and get it going. I will keep you guys updated on my progress, because Im sure I will be coming up with all kinds of questions along the way.





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Yeah, fedex does deliver on Saturdays but it's an extra fee. I hope all of the boxes contained dry goods because you're probably not going to get them until Monday. Do you have separate tracking numbers for each box? (you should).


If so, you can call their toll free line and find out if the boxes are scheduled for delivery today or on Monday. If there is LR or LS or (god forbid) corals in them, stress that point that they can't just sit unattended until Monday. They might even let you go pick them up at a local distribution center if they've arrived.

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Turn out FedEx delivered the last of my stuff today..... They just didnt bring it to my door. Didnt leave a note either. They just dropped it off at the apartment office and took off. Great customer service. I thought I paid them to delivery it to my apartment, but I guess not. Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day for me.... My fiance is dragging me to the Bridal EXTRAVAGANZA :rolleyes: I can just hear the anouncer now, "SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY" and all Im going to want to be doing is sitting at home setting up my tank. oh well.




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Well I spent the better part of the evening setting up my Nano-Cube. The dust has about settled. Just out of curiosity will a dog hair or 2 hurt anything? It always seems that no matter how hard I try there always seems to be one or two floating around. I just gave the dogs a bath and vaccumed too. I guess the couple stray hairs in the tank are the only ones I didnt get. Im going to the store tomorrow to get some live sand and a few other odds and ends, but other then that I guess I get to play the waiting game now.




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Well I added about 10 lbs of live rock today. About an hour later I was sitting there deciding wether or not to rearrange things, when I started hearing a click click click coming from the tank. Its a good thing I decided to rearrange the rock. When I pulled out the last piece of rock there was a mantis shrimp, just sitting there waiting for me to put in a nice expensive fish for him to eat. I glad I found it when I did. I called the guy I bought the rock from and he had no idea he even had a mantis in his tank. He said he had the live rock in his tank for quite a long time. He says, "I guess that is where all my snails have been going". The rock looks real good though. LOTS of purples and greens all over it, and some real interesting shapes. The guy I bought the rock from thinks I should be able to start adding a stuff in a couple days since all the live sand and live rock have come from established tanks. What do yall think? And when I do start adding critters what should I add first? Should I add the fish then so snails and hermits, or vice versa? I already have 1 snail in there, he hitched a ride with the mantis on a piece of live rock. I still havent narrowed down what kind of fish I want in my tank. Or the number. I have asked some of the people at the LFS, some tell me 1 some tell me 2 or 3. I was thinking a Jawfish and an Assessor, a blennie and a flasher wrasse, a pair of gobies and a clown. I dont know, any suggestion?





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wait at least a week...wait and see what your water does. your LR doesn't need to cycle, your entire tank does so watch you ammonia. add clean crew first, then fish. jawfish a really cool, but make sure you've got a secure lid cause they love to carpet surf....

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You can use a turkey baster to blow sand off the rocks. I got one at k-mart for under $2. I just got a nano cube today too. I don't know when I'll set it up, so far i'm figuring out what mods i want to do. Did you do any or is yours stock?

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I cut the top to fit a Lee's protien skimmer in the sump, added a fan for the lighting, put a stronger pump in, and cut a few notches above the intake to keep the gunk at the surface from building up. Cutting the top for the protien skimmer was the hardest part, even that wasnt too bad. Everything else was a piece of cake. I just have to figure out how to keep salt from building up on the fan blades. It gets on there and makes a terrible nose while the fan is running. I plugged the fan into the timer with the lights so atleast it doesnt run all day long. If anyone knows how I might be able to keep the salt from building on the fan let me know. HTH




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