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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lurker coming out | 34g Solana


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys. It's been a while since I posted. Since then I have been dosing and getting my calcium up while maintaining all other basic levels. So far everything is balanced and the new SPS corals I have are doing well on day 2.


Calc currently tested at 560 and Alk at 2.8. My pH is 8.4.


Unfortunately I think my Royal game took out one of the new Damsels I have. I don't remember the species so an ID would be great.


I also had someone come over today and noted that the coral I thought were Green Yuma RIcs are something else. Any thoughts?


Here are some recent shots.


Coral in question...
















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Does anyone know if it is normal for a peppermint shrimp to be eatten?


My Royal Gamma decided it wanted to have an early meal this morning. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...












I'm not sure why some of my SPS's polyps are out in full bloom and some are more shy. Is it just different species nature?

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Thanks. Everything slowly came together.


I recently setup my dual switch ato from autotopoff.com with a 5 gallon bin from Target and a MJ1200.

I also rigged up a BRS 5 stage ro/di unit and just bought 2 18 gallon roughneck bins- one for the di water and one for the backwash water to water plants.


My calcium is really high- around 550 according to API test kit. I've only been doing water changes weekly and calc hasn't lowered for a week. All my corals are looking good so I will just continue to do water changes and test weekly.


I'm looking for American DJ Power Strip right now and hopefully am able to just keep everything simple.


I also replaced my sapphire skimmer with a remora with mj1200. I think I will look for an air pump and supplement it with an air stone. It's been on for less than a week and pulls out pure junk- the only thing is that it is slow. I guess it's better than all the watery skimmate from the sapphire.


All in all I'm seeing growth in the softies and slow growth in everything else. I will be turning up my AI Sol Blue to 100% white this week. Everything is being massaged into place. :)






I picked up some cocopods, live brine shrimp, and these cool snails at the LFS today!

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I'm not quite sure. I got a great deal for them (about $30 for white $35 for blue) on reefcentral. The guy had about a dozen of them on a large tank. It is doing a great job adding some extra lumens, spotlight, and Japanese-ish look to my tank. I love it!


I just took a closer look at them and couldn't find any markings or labels. Maybe someone else can chime in as I think the heatsink is particular to a certain brand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the planning of this tank.


So that is a green Yuma and allot of them...also periodically check the mangroves if one starts to feel soft remove it immediately or it will rot and kill you water quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New additions: Deep water table, ORA Red Planet, Green Millie, Blue Millie, Blue Enchilada, Rainbow something, Chalices, some sort of Acan, Yellow Polyp something, RBTA (not pictured), and GSP (not pictured).








Pink Millie - This guy had long polyp extension from the guy I got it from but now it's being shy; does anyone have tips?






Birdsnest growth under LEDs. It's slowed down the past 2 weeks. I will ramp up my lights after my new corals are use to my tank.



Not a current FTS, but I wanted to capture my aquascape.



Trying to be organized:


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  • 5 weeks later...

6|15|2011 Fresh Pictures!


I need help Id'ing something if you can spread some knowledge my way... Pic of it is at the end.












Millie doesn't seem to want to spread out, but it's doing better than my 3 others as far as polyp extension.



Tri Color growing slowly and spreading onto the base even more.



Small RBTA



Unknown species... There are two of them in my tank. It looks like a small RBTA but I am not sure as it might be a pest. Any help?




All in all my tank is doing ok. The Lokani has stopped bleaching, but my blue millie started to. Everything else is slowly growing.


Right now I dose an alk buffer in my ATO but I've only been able to reach 2.5

I will increase the amount I put in my ATO.


Is it ok to add Liquid Calc into the ATO as well?

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  • 3 weeks later...











Aquascaping is rather hard and I think I am missing a strong main focus. I will have to remedy this when I move and start a new build.

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Nice progess! I like the scape presonally especially how they valley goes through the center.


That pic of the unknown anemone looks like a majano....double check that online though. No bueno if I remember correctly they reproduce quite quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I have some weird white spots growing on a lot of my rock. Can anyone help me identify if they are pests?





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They are not mobile so I don't think they are flatworms. They are only on the rock and not on the coral as well.

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  • 1 month later...

So far everything is going well. I had some red algae break out and kill a few heads off my duncan, but I was able to salvage 4 heads. Mohawk zoa growing crazy, tricolor acro growing crazy, birds nest growing crazy, and my red planet is starting to show some growth and great polyp extension. I got a great deal on someone parting out their tank and finally started to test magnesium. (Got a great deal on Salifert test kits.) I was about 300ppm too low, but after 10 days it's up to about 1400.


My main issue is figuring out how to keep alk up... I've been using some liquid and now power additives, but I can never find the sweet spot. Oh well... The corals seem to have adapted to a lower alk level but after 8 months I am happy with what I see.


The only thing happening is that my Royal Gamma developed ick somehow so I am treating the tank with herbtanner- going on 8 days. The fish seems to be eating and recovering.


Lastly, I am moving so a new tank upgrade and build will hopefully start within a week or two as I need to plan this out and not lose any coral.


Thanks for reading!



Shots as of 5 minutes ago.




I forgot to mention that my rbta is doing excellent. If you scroll up a few post you can see it in it's infantile stage with barely 1 tentacle. See if you can spot it now! :)

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