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10 Gallon Tank


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I have a 10 gallon Fluval (Uno 500) Tank, I'm not sure if it's sold in the US or not. Anyway I would like to set it up as nano reef, I currently have a Tronic 100W heater, some crushed coral sand, dead ocean rock.


From my reading so far I can seed the crushed coral with live sand and also seed teh dead rock with live. I also believe I need a power head and no filter (as this is handled by the rock/sand).


The canopy of the tank holds a 18" tube, 15W, do I need more lighting? If so is there any european solutions that people know of?


Thanks in advance.

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You might want to get rid of the crushed coral and replace it with live sand. Go to Ron Shimek's page at ReefCentral.com he has a few article links that will help you decide.


As far as filtration goes, the live rock and sand will serve as the best bio-filter, but I've noticed that the water still needs polishing, try a HOB filter that you can put a piece of poly in.


Go to hellolights.com and look for a retrofit kit so you can gut that hood and get better lights. I'm guessing that the hood has a standard fluorescent strip, which is no good. Depending on what you want to keep, you'd want PC's or better still, metal halides. If you have a pic of the tank, I'd really like to see it.

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I'd suggest buying live rock, more life on it and you don't need live sand, the sand will eventually be seeded by the life on the live-rock ;) jmho though (to "quick-seed" your sand, get a cup of sand from a running marine system, great to increase diversity)

The lighting purely depends on the inhabitants you intend to keep. If you are going the coral route and plannig on keeping stonies, you'll definately want to check ebay for a 70W HQI metal halide lamp for/with HIT-DE bulb. If you just want to keep fish in a FOWLR your lighting will be sufficient, if you want to keep fish and some soft corals, I'd suggest buying a pc-retrofit kit for your hood, or adding a second tube and some actinic (I'd go for a 50/50 PC retrofit). Do some searching in the lighting forum for more info once you've decided what animals to keep...





by the way, where in europe are you?!

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I'm in England. I was after FOWLR, so could I use my original hood & lighting and just get a marine bulb? You don't seem to sell Power Compact retrofit kits over here. I've not got a huge budget either, so MH's are out of the question.

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I picked up my 70W HQI metal halide with a 10.000K BLV/Ushio Bulb on ebay (both brandnew and with 2 yrs warranty) for just about 70 Euros (roughly 30 british pound?) it's not as expensive as it seems for a full setup if you lurk for a bit (or you can DIY a halide lamp, like in many of the threads here on NR.com, easy to do and cheap. a friend just made a 70W pendant for under 30 euros....


If you are just going with a FOWLR, 18W will be ok, though you won't really be able to keep corals with that. I'd suggest getting a daylight bulb or something with lots of blue in the spectrum. IMHO, there is nothing worse than a yellow looking fish tank... just my $0,02.....



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18w will be ok for FOWLR, but I can not say it is enough light.

You may go out to bookstore, read magazine. I think "practical fishkeeping" is good magazine from England, and pretty sure you can find bunch of place that sells power compact or MH.

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48 watts PC lighting in a 10 gallon would be sufficient for fish, inverts and soft corals like sacrophytons, open brains, mushrooms and zoanthids. Caulustrea would do okay too.

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