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ZMeny's Elos Mini w/ AI Sol


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I still consider myself a newb and probably always will be, but love the hobby and wish to join the show.




- Elos Mini 17x17x16 with white gloss pedestal stand and Elos sump

- Aqua Illumination 12" SOL Superblue with custom mount and AI Controller

- Vortech MP10 ES set on lagoon mode at about 50%

- Elos Skimmer

- Elos Osmocontroller Digital

- Finnex 100w Heater




- Tropic Marin Sea Salt

- Filter Guys Ocean Reef +1 RO/DI

- 20 lbs Bali Live Rock (Cured) from Premium Aquatics

- Bag of Oolite Caribbean White Live Sand

- Running Chemipure & ESV Carbon

- ESV 2-part Calcium & Alkalinity

- Salifert Testing Equipment

- Premium Aquatics Refractometer




Just finished Cycling

Probably will wait to get my hands on a pair of Black Ice Clownfish

Looking to establish mixed reef, sps on top, zoas, rics, & acans on bottom




My first fish!!! Sorry Tang Police...



Before I could add a CUC, I had to get rid of two Xanthid crabs. I tried to reason with them, I really did. I offered them bait in a glass cup...they denied. I offered them some Seltzer water...the didn't like the bubbly. I even tried giving them a dance lesson out of my live rock...no takers. Needless to say, I took care of it. See if you can find one hiding in this pic...



So here's what I've got so far...3 weeks in...a lot of hiding wires and organizing to still do, but all in time.











Feel Free To Comment...Thanks Guys!!!


More Pics Soon...

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First person i've seen with an AI Sol. It looks awesome.


And that tank is awesome! Ya done good kid.. ya done good. :P

I'm following this one for sure.

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Awesome set up Zmeny! I just got my Elos mini and still gathering hardware and really interested how you did your light hanger for the AI and want to see the different light settings of the AI above the mini..with pics please! How's the skimmer performing for you? Any micro bubbles? Sorry for all the questions..hehe. Looking forward of seeing more of your tank and hopefully mine can get set up soon.

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Looking good I hope you like the skimmer more than I did. I tossed mine in the garbage the 2nd day.But I love my mini I have had mine for a year.It is truly a great tank.

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Thats a very nice set up. I recently returned to the hobby (obsession) and am very impressed with the new tank styles. This time around I went led. I have the same AI fixture and love it so far.


also-cute kid.....unfortunately my 17 yr old does not fit in my tank.....often I'd like to put him there =)

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MavJoy: Minimal microbubbles...not sure if they are bubbles or just particles during the diatom/algea bloom. I am realy anal about water clarity and they don't bother me, so not bad. The lighting fixture is made from 1/2" conduit with two 90 degree bends mounting to the back of the tank and painted with white enamel paint. The skimmer is very touchy and has a mind of its own. In the picture of my sump you can see 4 days worth of skimmate, tea colored, which is fine. I don't know whether the light bioload and cured live rock are helping (I am at 3-5 nitrate at the end of cycling), so I will wait it out some more and see. Ohh and the lightning storm via AI controller is pretty sweet, makes my friends and family giggle. More pics to come once I start putting stuff in it.


Camera man2: The tank is cycled and has gone through the diatom, now dealing with some hair algae and macro growth. Pics are from iphone so not too good, plus actinics were on and you can't clearly see the rock...hopefully cuc will help.


Steve 2: If your 17-year-old doesn't fit in the tank that just means you need a bigger tank...LOL


All water testing is within normal parameters (tested 3 days ago). I will post current parameters tonight. Thanks guys and gals, keep the comments coming...this is fun.

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MavJoy: Minimal microbubbles...not sure if they are bubbles or just particles during the diatom/algea bloom. I am realy anal about water clarity and they don't bother me, so not bad. The lighting fixture is made from 1/2" conduit with two 90 degree bends mounting to the back of the tank and painted with white enamel paint. The skimmer is very touchy and has a mind of its own. In the picture of my sump you can see 4 days worth of skimmate, tea colored, which is fine. I don't know whether the light bioload and cured live rock are helping (I am at 3-5 nitrate at the end of cycling), so I will wait it out some more and see. Ohh and the lightning storm via AI controller is pretty sweet, makes my friends and family giggle. More pics to come once I start putting stuff in it.


Thanks for the info about the set up and might just try the skimmer for now but definitely copying your light hanger. I'm also planning of getting the same lights. A video of the tank would look sweet with all the different effects of the lights...hint hint...hehe. Thanks!

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Latest water parameters:


pH: 8.2

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

Calcium: 320

Magnesium: 1470

KH: 11.5

Alkalinity: 4.11

Ammonia: 0

Phosphate: 0

Copper: 0


Any suggestions on water quality? I think it's good, but not enough experience yet...(little over three weeks in, cycle has gone through diatom bloom, turned to algae and macro growth, now looks like algae is beginning to recede)

Thanks for the help...pictures and video of the AI light spectrums soon...

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sea water has an alkalinity of 7-8 dKH/2.5-2.9 meq/L. you will need to buffer once or twice a week to slowly lower this, it's pretty high. this should help raise your calcium a bit too (should be around 450-500 for stony corals/inverts). i love the look of this tank though!

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You have my dream nano set-up: Elos mini with A.I. Sol!!! (I have other dream tanks but they're not nano. :lol:) Love how you mounted the Sol.

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Let's just hope over time it can be as clean looking as your 15g...I knew I got the pipe idea from someone, but couldn't remember who. Thanks indirectly...or subliminally...haha

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  • 2 weeks later...



Tank is doing great. Added some livestock recently:


Pair of Onyx Clownfish (Sold as "Rod's", but I have my doubts)

Tailspot Blenny

Fire Shrimp

CUC Crew

Halloween Hermit

Eagle Eye Zoa Frag

Bright Orange Ric Yuma

Frogspawn Frag


More to come...



Clownfish are beautiful

AI Sol is simply amazing!!

Livestock is doing great, already showing growth

Fire shrimp had babies everywhere, which the clowns loved

30% chance of programmed lighting storm (How do I post a video?)



Battling an algae issue, not sure what type, suggestions needed!!!

Microbubble Issue, but not too bad

Syphoned 4 Neon Green Nudibranches off the zoas

Camera sucks, so showing off the AI's lighting setups is not possible at this time. Sorry guys -_-


Picture Update:




Clownfish are about 1.5 inches long and are already super dark











Zoas growing fast



Orange Ric



Algae HELP WANTED...It seems to be receding, but still ugly. Is it post-cycle algae or "you've got a problem" algae? Blenny seems to love it :P




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Clean. Nice eye for design. Did you have any previous tanks?


I'm about to mount an ecoray 60wled but I'm a but reluctant as 7lbs might as well be 100lbs as I plan to mount it in a similar fashion to you.


Can you tell me how much the sol weighs and what hardware you use?


I'm thinking about using electical conduit myself for the light bar and diy something.

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I think the AI unit weighs about 5lbs or less, its pretty light. I had an 80 gallon bowfront 5 years ago, full coral and halides, but I started out with the wrong stuff, pc's, horrible skimmer, so on and so on, buying all types of filtration, lights. So this time around I figured I would do it right the first time and I am happy with the layout, but trying to clear up the algae and microbubble issues. Don't know what type of algae it is, but blenny loves it. Hair algae, I thought, was bristly and thick, but some of this stuff is thin, wavy. IDK, you guys think an emerald crab would be benefitial, cut down the lighting schedule, buy a reactor, let it go as it seems to be receding slowly?

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Thought the clownfish may host the frowspawn...but someone else called dibs first. I've never heard of a blenny host a coral, but he just loves sitting right on top of it.



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  • 2 weeks later...





Ultra Acan Frag

GARF Bonsai

Red Montipora Cap Frag

Purple Montipora Digitata

Acropora Colony Blue/Green


Algae issue is almost gone, but now red hair algae is showing up. :angry: I didn't know red hair algae was fluorescent though...oh well...


Also still some diatom on sand bed, want to stir it up with the Vortech, but small grains will cause a sandstorm...I know... it's a process... :lol:


Switched salt to Tropin Marin Reef Pro to increase Calcium levels. I am increasing the water changes to twice a week, 5 gallon per change to help the algae issue...any other suggestions? Water parameters posted by the end of the week.

















This thing is just ridiculous...



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