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Schooling tank?

horrible pirate

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horrible pirate

Has anyone ever done a tank for a schooling species only? Such as a bunch of green chromis about 10 or so, so they can do their natural schooling behaviors?


I was kicking the idea around of doing a tank full of different kinds of damsels and chromis in a 100g tank. Bad idea?

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Good idea!


In a 100g tank you could load it up with like, 5 or 6 variations of different damsels ( I would aim for about 100 of them total, seriously. But I'm crazy). That would be awesome!! I had 11 green chromis in my old 40g. It was a bit overwhelming because I had waaaaay too much LR in the tank, but they did shoal together. I plan to do another group of them in my new 40, but probably only 7 or so.


On second thought, maybe not 100 (the idea just got me all excited, lol). Maybe 70 or so would be good.

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I'm almost certain that Chromis shoal but do not school..


school 2


a large group of fish or sea mammals.

verb [ intrans. ]

(of fish or sea mammals) form a large group.


I think it all means the same..


11 chromis in a 40g Jeez did you have any other fish? was it a reef tank?

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school 2


a large group of fish or sea mammals.

verb [ intrans. ]

(of fish or sea mammals) form a large group.


I think it all means the same..


11 chromis in a 40g Jeez did you have any other fish? was it a reef tank?



I had 6 or 7 in my breeder with atleast 6 other fish for some time also.I think will have a unch in new tanks also

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11 chromis in a 40g Jeez did you have any other fish? was it a reef tank?



yep. i had something like 15 or 16 fish in there including a tang :o . it was an SPS dominant mixed reef tank, had it for about 2.5 years.

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I would aim for about 100 of them total, seriously. But I'm crazy


What is this, freshwater? :P Seriously though, that many fish in a 100g tank, despite all other issues, would just not be aesthetically pleasing to me. I wouldn't want my reef tank looking like the feeder fish tanks at petco. I could see having a dozen shoaling fish, and 2-3 larger fish in a 100g as looking very natural.

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What is this, freshwater? :P Seriously though, that many fish in a 100g tank, despite all other issues, would just not be aesthetically pleasing to me. I wouldn't want my reef tank looking like the feeder fish tanks at petco. I could see having a dozen shoaling fish, and 2-3 larger fish in a 100g as looking very natural.


I see your point but when the fish huddle together they don't take up as much space as you would think. The 13 that I had took up about a 8"x8" area when they were all together, which they were most of the time.

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I like the schooling idea but I have seen very few people who could keep a full school of chromis long term, they usually end up picking each other off one by one. Like mobsters....

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I think it all means the same..



If, in addition, the aggregation comes together in an interactive, social way, they are said to be shoaling.[1] Although shoaling fish can relate to each other in a loose way, with each fish swimming and foraging somewhat independently


Fish schools move with the individual members precisely spaced from each other. The schools undertake complicated manoeuvres, as though the schools have minds of their own.

(all schooling fish shoal, not all shoaling fish school.. it's like one of those old IQ tests)


I always thought a bunch of chromis could make for a cool tank. Would like to see how this turns out :)

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I like the schooling idea but I have seen very few people who could keep a full school of chromis long term, they usually end up picking each other off one by one. Like mobsters....
This. 9 out of 10 tries at a group of chromis results in one single chromis.


Even in my 180, with tangs and other large, active fish to "encourage" the shoaling behavior, I only got a group of chromis to last about 6 months before they started picking each other off.

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Any kind in the genus Ptereleotris. P. hanae and P. grammica are two attractive species. Firefish, in the related genus Nemateleotris, are much more aggressive to each other.

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