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Coral Vue Hydros

Money you guyz spent!?!


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Just wondering how much I should expect to pay for everything after adding live rock and sand etc...


So basically just for the price of live stock including fish, corals, invertabrates etc......


oh yeah it is a 10 gallon.

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10 gallon? if you want to make it look really full...i would say ~$500

or else you can buy used parts and small frags from fellow nano reefers here for cheap...and like always..the fellow nano reefers' frags are way more healthier than the LFS ..:blush:

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I've spent roughly about 400 bucks on my 7 gal. tank. And my tank still looks soo empty.. :|


I'm not quite sure how much it would costs for fish, corals, and inverts... it depends what you want and how you'd want to stock your tank...

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i spent 450 dollars for my 7 gallon tank


that includes


7 gallon AGA

jbj desktop formosa lighting 2 18 watts


Powerhead $ powerfilter


diy auto top off

and the inhabitants...


and im still spending ..hhehe

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Approx. $350.

ALIFE 7 gallon tank, setup in February 2002

5 or 6 pounds of LR. (Fiji, Marshal Islands, Caribbean & Tonga)

3" to 4" deep live sand bed w/ small plenum area

1 - Coral Banded Shrimp

1 - Pink Skunk Clown

1 - Blue Legged Hermit Crab

2 - small turbo snails

4 - Bumble Bee Snails

1 - Euphyllia torch coral frag

1 - Euphyllia hammer coral frag

16 - Blue Mushrooms

Many - Red Sea Pulsating Xenias

1 - unknown s.p. coral frag

Misc (overgrown)macro algae


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I would guess that I have spent close to $500 so far and the tank is not full yet. I have managed to score some freebies from a friend who works at my lfs (xenia should arrive this week) so hopefully my cost will be kept to that $500 area.

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Lets see, for my ten gallon...



Glass top-9.99

Aqua-Clear 150-14.99

2x Zoomed 104 PH's-7.99ea 15.98pr.

Live Sand #10-14.99

Live Fiji rock #20-Free from friend breaking down his tank

Ballast kit-62.99

50/50 36W PC-22.99

Actinic 36W PC-19.99

Visitherm 25W heater-5.78 on clearance from work

Gorgonia-Free from friend breaking down his tank

Instant Ocean Salt-"Store use" from work

False Percula Clownfish-"DOA" from work ;)




Of course tank is very empty atm. Also add over $500 dollars in supplies I used to make the tube steel & wood custom stand with built in electical outlets, circuit breakers, timers, and switches.

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If U expect to spend less than 500.00 (1000.00 with all the extras..) yer mistaken. If U want to do it right, do it right from the start... Ghetto tanks are NOT the way to go. Do a reef "cost effectively" .... not "cheeply" do the research, plan, plan, plan again, then buy. your corals and fish will tanks U......:)

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hehe, imo, the esiest way to do a tank is slowly. do it over long long itime as u get the money buy more corals of course there are ruleson what u need. u need to get all the bvase things for a reef first.... tank, stand, light, liverock/sand, current etc.


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My costs for my 21g nano-reef are as follows:



$200 ViaAqua 680 w/ 72W of PC lighting

$30 20lbs. of live sand

$12 Visitherm 100W heater

$25 Big Digital Temp Alert thermometer

$20 Rio 400 Powerhead for additional circulation

$265 EcoSystem40 refugium/filter (instead of protein skimmer)

$99 22lbs. of Fiji Live Rock


$651 SUB-TOTAL for items before livestock



$35 Bubble coral

$40 Frogspawn

$35 Open brain

$12 Xenia

$20 Green Polyps

$20 Actinodiscus mushrooms

$25 Colt

$80 Goniopora (OUCH! Wife bought it w/o asking me)

$35 Pulsing star polyps

$15 Saddleback clown

$20 Six-line wrasse

$20 Yellow watchman goby

$10 Cleaner shrimp

$9 Brittle star

$8 Yellow sea cucumber

$40 Maxima clam

$30 Assorted hermits, snails, abolone and conch


$454 SUB-TOTAL for livestock



$250 RO/DI unit

$40 Misc. storage containers and hoses for water

$150 Various test kits (Na2, Na3, Ca, Sr, I2, Alk, O2, pH, etc.)

$100 Misc. chemicals (b-ionic, pH buffer, Kalkwasser, etc.)


$540 SUB-TOTAL for other items



$454 SUB-TOTAL for livestock

$651 SUB-TOTAL for hardware and set-up

$540 SUB-TOTAL for other


$1,645 GRAND TOTAL (more or less)


PLUS money salt, etc. (recurring)



Wow...that's a lot of cash! ;)

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Dang. I'm still under $200 on mine...because I used stuff I already had, bought stuff used, and lucked out on the free stuff. Anything with a * is something I already had kicking around the apartment.


* 2x 10g tank: [$15 -- got one used]

* Fluval 1 internal filter: [$15]

MicroJet: $12

Lighting: $25 (incandescent hood w/ mogul-base CFs at 6500K, clamp-on fixture w/ mogul base CF on caulerpa tank)

* Power filter [$6 on clearance]

* 2x Heaters: [$10 on clearance]

Thermometer: $2


Live sand: free from helping tear down a friend's tank

Live rock: $28, got some free w/ the caulerpa

Hammer, star polyp, flower leather, 5 hermit crabs: $15 for all

Mushroom rock: $10

1 Turbo snail: $2

6 unknown snails: $2

2-4 astraea snails: hitchhiked on the free LR

Caulerpa: free for helping tear down a frag tank & 'fuge setup


Cost of new stuff: $96

Total cost, including cost of stuff I already had: $142


Obviously, the lighting is going to get upgraded... as soon as I figure out what I'm going to do with this setup long-term (check my poll in the beginner's forum). The current lighting on the coral tank will get moved to the caulerpa tank.

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ive spent about 200 and my tank is startin to get full. however my rock and sand and stand came for free. ive also got many corals either free or at cost since i work at the lfs.

*10 gal tank 9.99

hood (diy) 11.99


Csl retro-fit 65

*aquaclear 101 powerhead

rio 50 powerhead 17.99

*penguin mini hang on 8.99

*20lbs LR

*10lbs LS



*gsp with green centers

yellow umbrella leather-4


button polyps-11



*rose anenome

Blaustomosa merletti-7

Blaustomosa wellsi-2

yellow polyps- 7


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Well for my reef about 100,000 in equipment so far........

Just kidding,my 10 gallon has run me about $248.00 and its only been set up since spring break 2002.That's a lot of money for a 13 year old!

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SO APARENTLY I WAS CORRECT IN ANOTHER THREAD HUH ? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


heheheheh DAMN I hate being right. ! lmao...

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Dave Espi's advice is soooo good! Ghetto tanks are really a pain, and turn so many hobbiests off to the hobby before they ever get started! When I read about people putting power filters on tanks or internal sponge filters I cringe--these folks will inevitably not clean these mechanical filters and are in for nutrient nightmares and ensuing algae plagues...! As Dave said, PLAN, read, research and then PLAN, PLAN and then PLAN some more... If money is a factor, do it slowly and buy the best you can afford as you go...


And long before you ever purchase ANYTHING, figure out what you want to keep; mushrooms and elegance coral need a very different tank setup than SPS's and photosynthetic clams do. Research is so very important for long term success on so many levels. Don't expect to keep Acropora under only PC bulbs, no matter how close you place the corals to the water's surface.


Camustang's earlier post in this thread is a wonderful example of cost and in line with what a lot of hobbiests spend in my experience after helping many with their systems.


After not having a personal reef tank in my home for some time, I decided to have one in the house, and wanted to do it right (all the SPS frags around are just too alluring and I am amazed at how low the price is on photosynthetic clams). I consider this a state of the art "simple" Nano for primarily SPS's and clams that I will spend at least $1000 on in livestock. The basic equipment is all bought now, and I will be setting it up this weekend. Here are the costs so far:


20 gallon acrylic tank $79

Stand for above tank $89

CPR Bak Pak 2R skimmer $118

Prefilter/Combo Box for above $34

Custom 23" X 10" Light Fixture $340

(2 X 70 Watt HQI halides

2 X 65 Watt Actinic PC's

2 X 3" cooling fans)

Bulbs for above fixture $240

Teclima Micro Chiller $395

Sedra 2500 Pump for above $59

Magnum Return/Tubing $49

for chilling system

Rio 600 (2) Power heads $24

Carib Sea Sugar Fine Aragonite $39

(60 lbs.)

RO/DI system $175

Kent Marine 2.5 gallon Aquadose $22

Glass shelf for interior of cabinet $25

10 pounds GARF Grunge seed $75

35 lbs. Marshall Island Live Rock $230

Indo-Pacific Live sand Critter Kit $80




Sounds like a lot I know--but I knew what I wanted–a professional and "easy" tank for SPS corals and Tridacna clams with a small and unobtrusive lighting hood that included dual Actinic O3's for better color. I also have seen too many collections entirely wiped out during a single afternoon in the summers, and so I demanded a strong chilling system to protect my investment. I figured I would be spending in the $3000 range for tank and equipment and livestock.


Be honest about reef aquaria with yourself–it costs a lot! You can DYI many things to save costs, but things like chillers and pumps are the heart of your system and can't be scrimped on. If someone wants to set up a reef tank for under $500, I always tell them to look to freshwater tanks; a coral reef aquarium, even a nano, is not an inexpensive hobby. I see people set up Ghetto nanos, and then always have problems, often killing our precious resource of live animals from coral reefs.


Plan, study and figure out what you want to keep first, and then budget and freely spend the money on the right system for what you want.



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I think that Todd and Dave hit it on the head. The nice thing about Nanos is that you can have a reef for lesser money than a "typical" reef tank (50+gallons). But this doesn't mean that it will be inexpensive, just less expensive.


I am hoping to set-up a 90g+ reef tank early next year (maybe ;) ) but that is going to cost me $3,500+, NOT including livestock.


There are things that a reefer can NOT buy, such as an RO/DI system, but only because he/she is getting water from a LFS or some other source. I truly belive that all three of my tanks (two fish only, and my reef) are doing well specifically because I use good quality water. I don't know if I would've splurged on a RO/DI system if I ONLY had my nano (21g). My LFS charges .20/gallon for RO/DI water, which would cover a LOT of water changes before I got to $200 for the unit myself. Since I have over 100g of tanks, it made sense to get one.


If I'm going to spend $20-$60 (or more) on an animal for my tank (fish or coral or other), then I CERTAINLY don't want it to die from lack of sufficient equipment, or water quality, or whatever. These things cost TOO damned much! ;)


I also agree with some of the other statements about buying as you go. Nothing wrong with getting the tank, whatever lighting you have, and a filter system and putting a clown or two in there until the cash comes in for the other components.

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umm, i won't even add it up or i will be too depressed.


here are a few things to get an idea!


AB aquaspacelight (used) - 240

20,000k Ushio bulb -60

mag 9.5 - 75

HOT siphon - 40 (bought from local reefer)

Dual Temp controller - ~130


yeah that just the tip of the iceberg. i will stop before i shoot myself



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For equipment, Lunch wins. The reason is he is constantly upgrading. Lunch, how many times did you upgrade your lighting?

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only twice from my original lighting. original 2x36w PC's (just not cutting it for my new SPS), then to a 70w DE MH and my 1x 36w 03 actinic (they were happier but not coloring and growing like they should), on to my current ligthing 150w aquaspacelight w/ a 20,000k Ushio and my 1x36w 03 actinic. that is it for now. i hope i never want to upgrade....nah i won't on this tank!! Promise. i need more sps corals now :D


i have DIY'ed a lot of stuff which saved me a ton!!


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ha ha lunch i remember when you were telling vmeron he was crazy for putting a 150w hqi over his 7 gallon. ha ha thats funny because now you have it over your 10. ohwell, i knew youd come around. (not like i have the lighting but once you get the better lighting you always want better)

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