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eclipse vs mini bow vs nano cube!


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First what are you after? Do you want a simple, small desktop reef and what's your budget for setting up a nano? I prefer glass over acrylic tanks. Depending on which tank you go for you may have to retrofit the lighting. Is your name roxy or do you surf as in roxy/quiksilver? Also, do you have Roxy Music's Avalon in your music collection. If not, you should...

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hey thanks for responding here is what I am looking for


I want to start a nano reef, but first I am going to see if i can keep a fish alive first in salt water lol


I want a glass tank

btwn 7 to 12 gal


something that can be set on a dresser or something similar


I really have no budget as of yet because I don't know what I can get free from a friend.



second lol no thats not my name its my nickname . I just sport the roxy wear, and love the beach :D


Depending on which tank you go for you may have to retrofit the lighting.


How do u retro fit?????? lol ever time I come on here to read I get soooo confused even after I read some threads lol sorry for all the questions , I had a whole reef list set up when I was going 4 an 8o gal but with this nano reefing I am lost and confused of what to get for it

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Mmmm, love roxy chicks. Errrr, anyways... minibow or nanocube would be a good choice. Nanocube would be a more simple setup & go system if you stick to lower light corals. I've seen them going for $99. So you're setting up an 80gal reef too?

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LOL@Mmmm, love roxy chicks



well I have been wanting to set up a reef tank for 2 years now, I was going for a 80 to 100 gal but now I live in an apartment so tha plan is out the window lol


I had a list for my 80 -100 gal set- up of what I wanted in it and what equipment I wanted as well


but anyways


I want easy to take care corals maybe a clam


I really love clownfish and the regal tangs and YES I love them before FINDING NEMO came out lol


I went to numerous aquarium shops all around So. Cal

I finally found 2 that I will stick too as to get advice and healthy fish from


one is jeffs exotic sense its in my neighborhood lol and circle pet center in Long Beach

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Well you will def have to retrofit if you want a clam. They needs tons of lighting!! As for the simple easy to take care of corals, you should be able to do alright with the low light corals. You also want to steer clear of tangs at first IMO due to them sometimes being aggressive, and munching on everything if you don't feed them right. That is just my exp.


Figure out which nano tank you want, fill it with water rock and sand and then take a vacation. You will have plenty of time to research retro fits and lighting and corals and clams while the tank cycles. Get started with the simple part so you have it cycling while you are making the other decisions. Then by the time you know exactly what you want in there (took me several months on my first) your tank will be ready.


Good luck!

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Roxy in the LBC. Stick to nano size since you live in an apt. Ditto about starting out simple. Read more, get more experience maintaining the tank. Jeff's is nice. There are some good places down south here in OC also. TTYL.


p.s. keep the tan lines to a minimum

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roxy, may i recommend the eclipse12??? and i don't say that just because i have one, i truly believe that they are awesome tanks. it's true that acrylic tanks scratch a lot easier than glass, but they provide a better view than glass as far as clarity goes. you just have to be extra careful when aquascaping and when cleaning the acrylic surfaces. and these tanks look really clean with the enclosed hood. as far as lighting goes, they are not as hard to upgrade as everyone would have you believe. i upgraded my lighting to the 2x32w retro from csl. and i have no problem keeping lps and any soft coral i choose. i'm just giving you an option. and i think that 12gallons would be slightly easier to keep stable than 7gallons. if you have a petsmart near you, go check out the eclipse12($89-99). i guarantee you won't be disappointed. this is just one man's opinion. whatever you choose, good luck.... j....

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A 10 gallon is better because it will cost you next to nothing and will have WAY better lighting options. Important if your going to keep something as light hungry as a clam.


I have only heard of people getting 64 watts or so into a nano cube.


It is simple to get 96 into a standard 10 gallon tank. They make a 96 watt power compact light fixture for it.

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thanks everyone I will decide exactly what I want in my tank and I will post up a list to see what u guys thinK


I will start another thread:D

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