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Cultivated Reef

Sting's "Just-Over" Nano


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Well, my 37G is no nano, but it's just over the nano limits, which I consider to be 29G. I'm posting this here instead of the Member Nano's Forum to avoid er, conflict- but everyone here is pretty nice anyway.


Here is my current tank as of 2/16/04




If you haven't seen me at RC, my tank has 2 250W MH 10K bulbs of lighting, an AquaC Remora HOB Skimmer, a Yellow Tang, Spotted Hawkfish, Green Chromis, and Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse. For Corals, I ahve GSP, Xenia, Hammer, and Cauliflower Leather. I am slowly stocking in all livestock areas, as you can see. The tank was started 6/6/03.




Moving Xenia




Full Xenia side view, micro bubbles from skimmer break in (hopefully they will cease after the Skimmer is broken in)




And here's my Carpenter's front and center! gotta love those Flashers!


If you would like to see the entire transformation from the day I got my live rock in, please visit this link http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=320902


What do you think!?!? Any suggestions/comments are appreciated!

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like I heard before, its no ocean, so its a nano:P

Nice, I have a 12 jbj I am still working on, but do have a 37 sherry oceanic cube. I love those tanks, kinda makes me want to get another for sw, that one is a fw tank currently.

Nice tank:)

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Well, actually mine is the Eclipse 37 Show, which (I think) has different dimensions than the Oceanic cube, but they are still nice tanks. Awkward dimensions though- quite tall and 30" long...finding lighting for that piece was so hard, hallides saved my life :)

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Well, most of it is coralline but I think one or two patches of it closer to the sandbed at the bottom is actually red slime aglae, but it's not too bad, and the tang loves it.

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