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USPS "delivered" package...


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Short story:


USPS says my priority mail package from reefcleaners was delivered today but it's no where to be found.


Long story:


I was expecting my cuc from reefcleaners today. It was shipped USPS priority mail on Tuesday. I live in an apartment complex with a mail room and a leasing office. Packages are put in the office for renters to pick up if they do not fit in the mail box. Office was closed today so no dropped there.


I was in my apt all day and checked the mailroom every 1/2 hour to take ownership of my package. Never came. I get an email at 3:30 pm confirming delivery at 9:49 am. I say wtf and call the post office to see what's up, they closed at noon so no help there.


I shot an email to John at reefcleaners to let him know what happened.


Any suggestions? I'm guessing my package will "appear" on Monday from USPS but by that time the cuc would have been in the box for six days, 4 of those days in Michigan.

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I know Johns customer service is second to none but I feel bad since this is not his fault. I just don't understand why they didn't leave a slip saying well try again rather then confirming delivery without actually following through. All the guy had to do was walk down the hall and knock on my door. I don't know how I missed "the delivery" checking the mail room as diligently as I did.


Would a claim have to come from me or reefcleaners?

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Shipper files the claim. Now if it isn't insured they won't do much, plus it is livestock so not covered anyway. John deals with this all the time so he is way more familiar with livestock.

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Shipper files the claim. Now if it isn't insured they won't do much, plus it is livestock so not covered anyway. John deals with this all the time so he is way more familiar with livestock.

I sent him an email so I'll see what he says. I was just wondering if people have dealt with a phantom package. My tank is now going to be haunted by snail ghosts moaning "why did you ship us between Christmas and New Years?"

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i had something like this happen but it was with a certified letter that my parents were sending me

in the end it went back to them a month later and i called everyone i could to figure out where it was

after it was redelivered to my parents house they said that they tried to deliver and came back twice but i didnt get a slip or anything saying they even attempted to deliver

a few days after it was scheduled to be delivered i went to the post office to see if they knew what was going on but they said its on its way...

so what really happened was it was lost in the mail that whole time and instead of trying to deliver it to me since it was extremely late they just sent it back

atleast thats my guess

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I had the same thing happen with fedex. I got the email no package. I couldnt get anyone on the phone, so I went to the office. The lady thought my neighbor stole it. But, I was insistant and she eventually called the driver. He delivered it to the wrong house! So I got the package eventually :)


I have also shipped coral using usps and they did the same thing that happened to you. She got her package the next day and evey thing was still alive :)

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They might have scanned it wrong, or maybe delivered it somewhere else. I've only had packages completely lost by Fedex, nothing live but two different ones "delivered" that I never got. Sucks cause there's no Fedex hub here, they come from another town so there really isn't anyone to get ahold of. Any chance someone else would steal it? I work at the post office here and they won't leave packages in apartment buildings because too many walk off with the wrong person. It's too risky to ship livestock priority though, especially in the winter IMO. I have bad enough luck with overnight stuff in the cold. I did have a express mail go missing for four days and the corals were still alive, but it was during warmer months. After that fiasco everything goes Fedex or Speedee, that package was only going across state!

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I don't believe they would just leave it some where so be stolen, I was in my apt so I would have heard a knock on the door.


I'll probably ship express next time, lesson learned, just glad it was only a $25 lesson, sorry snails.

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This might not be the case, but in the past three months, ive had this happen four times with usps. What has happened each time is the tracking stated it was delivered, but it came the next day...every time. I called usps about it, and they said sometimes this happens. Hopefully this works out for you.

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some time ago i bought 50 small cerith snails from a member here. sent priority but ended up taking a few day detour. arrived 6 days after shipping with no loses. snails are tough man, i dont know what king you got but i know ceriths can handle 50 degree water in an ununsulated box in a tiny baggie.


i would'nt lose to much sleep over it. even if its a total l bet john makes up for it.

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I had it happen on christmas eve through UPS with my new 2 x 250w MH fixture. Still havent received it. I had to have the shipper file a tracker with UPS and when they confirm that they can't find it they refund the shipper and the shipper will send me a new fixture. Huge PITA because I really needed that light for my new 75. Best of luck man.

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They made it! Only a few look like they may have not made the 6 day trip from FL to MI. The Florida ceriths may take a bit to come out so we'll see over the next few days.


John must be breeding some super snails down in Florida.

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Glad they got to you... Hopefully most of them survive. From what I hear he usually includes a bunch of extras in-case something like this happens.


It's so cold in the D... If you're from around Detroit anyways...

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Up in the Soo so it's even colder. :lol:


There are a lot of extras, maybe a few extras of the nerite and nassarius but there's at least 100-150 Dwarf Cerith, I ordered 30 of those.

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So they actually delivered it Monday and lied about the previous delivery?

Yep, it was scanned as delivered on Friday but was in the apt staff's hands on monday morning.


I didn't ask very many questions to the USPS guy or the apt staff cuz as soon as I had the box in my hands I ran to my apt to see is any survived. Lost only ~10% of the Dwarf Cerithsi (shipped 100-150), and ~20-40% of the Florida Ceriths. 100% of the Nassarius and the Nerites survived.

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