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Goby and Pistol Shrimp in a 5


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OK, I have a 5 gallon mini-bow, and I am thinking ahead to life in it. I was thinking of a goby and pistol shrimp. A SMALL goby, maybe a catalina, they both seem to like low 70 degree water.


Will this be ok in a 5 gallon tank? By choosing a goby that likes it so cold, am I limiting myself as far as corals, and anenomes if I looked to eventually have any of those?


I know those things have lighting concearns and other concearns as well, but this fish may eventually even be moved to another tank (larger), so I am only asking about from a temperature stand point.


If temp would be an issue, and suggestions on other smaller gobys? Ones that MAX at like 3" ?


Thanks all,


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Whynot get a goby that will actually form a symbiotic relationship with your pistol shrimp?

The yellow watchman will do this. They max out at 3", but are often seen in the store at 1" to 1.5 " and really don't grow too fast.


I have one in my little nano (about 1.5"). He hitchhiked in a piece of LR.

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A catalina goby in a 5g might be ok, but it won't pair with a pistol shrimp. You would be VERY limited in what you could put in the tank. Catalina gobies like low 70º water, but our corals do not.

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we have a high finned red banded goby that has paired with our michaels pistol shrimp. they are fun, but be forwarned... the pistol shrimps wreak havok on your tank... a five with lots of sand and rocks for him to move around should be fun. good luck.

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