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After 3 days ...


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Tested my water tonite and this is what I got going on so far.


Temp - 80* constant

Salinity - 1.024

Ph - 7.8

Am - 1.0

Nitrite - 2.0

Nitrate - 20


Hows that look to you so far?



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Good readings. The only thing you can really expect to be good on the 3rd day are the salinity and the temp . . which are lookin good. Looks like your off on the right foot, just gonna have to do a bit of waiting for everything to even out.



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your cycle is going as expected. all you need now is a good helping of patience.... this is the hardest part of getting a new tank set up. by the way, do you still have the damsel in there??? if so, let's just hope that he makes it through this ok. according to your test results, your ammonia and nitrite are both on their way up, and these two are the most toxic for any fish to deal with. like i said, patience is the key. since there's nothing you can do to your tank for a while, now is the time to do a lot of research. check out all the animals you plan to keep(corals and fish), and look up all the equipment you plan on upgrading(lighting especially)... good luck... j....

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Yes the damsel is still in there. And LOVING the new powerhead I must say -- I upgraded my Auqaclear 101 to the 201.


I have finally decided on ditching the damsel if it makes it and dealing with the extra water changes necessary to house 2 clowns. In a few months I will be getting a larger tank anyway, so I can move them soon enough. Other than the clowns I would like a decent cleanup crew. I was leaning towards a few snails, hermits and possibly a shimp. Are there any recommendations on those?



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you should be alright with 2 clowns in a ten, and i don't know about having to do any extra waterchanges. you should be fine with 10% a week. i currently have a pair of perculas and a firefish in my eclipse12, and my waterchanges consist of me doing 20% every two weeks. i'm gonna change back to 10%weekly, because i seem to be having a problem with the red slime and hair algae. but this has nothing to do with my bioload. as for a clean up crew, a variety of snails and maybe a small hermit or two should be sufficient. i for example, have four astrea snails(glass&rocks), five nassarius snails(sand stirring), one turbo snail(glass&rocks), and one zebra hermit crab(snail terrorizer). oh yeah, i forgot about my skunk cleaner shrimp who is invaluable to my clean-up crew. in my opinion, snails are the most beneficial. but it's all up to you. peace... j..

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