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2.5 Uptade

C Jerome

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I am back and school and settled in. My tank faired well while I was gone. I had an assistant in the science department take care of it over break. She did an excelent job, and followed my directons sheet exactly. The first picture is of it in the science lab before I moved it back to my room. The second picture is from yesterday after I cleaned the glass and did some reorganizing.




This picture is after a bit of re organizing. I moved the mushroom from the center off to the side(it was making some other inhabitants upset) I also moved the peice from the right bottom up to the right top. This made room for me to move the peice from the left with the GSP over to the right(this peice will be for FS/FT in the spring when i take the tank home, by then it will be covered with GSP)



This is my prized candy cane. I acquired it last May, and since(knock on wood) it has been doing excelent under the 2x13W. It has been growing so much, the heads keep spliting, I love it.



And last but not least, my roomate Meeper the Yellow spotted watchman goby. He is bright yellow with sky blue/silver speckles. He is also very shy, and only comes out when he cant see me. But I have learned a new trick, put some food in and then sit across the room, and he will come out in a few minutes to look for the food.

He has been the perfect fish for my 2.5, he is only about 1.5 inches at most and eats dry food. I would love to get a pistol shrimp for him, has any one seen any small ones around?



The tank sits on my desk next to my computer. It is the perfect size.


C. Jerome

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Beautiful tank, looks a lot different after you cleaned it up.


I was thinking of a getting a watchman goby, but I'd hate for him to be afraid of me. Is this common or is yours neurotic?

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Originally posted by C Jerome

So 45 of you have looked at my post since last night and not one of you has any thing to say.  Come on...


well, personally i dont like those brown polyups, especially that many of them. But other than that it looks good.

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Theclearblue, I dont think this is typical watchman behavior. I have a bigger red spotted one in a tank at home and his is always out and has lots of personality and is not scared at all. It must be luck of the draw. The yellow one like to hang out in the caves on the back side of my rock wall(what he could not have picked one on the front to make his home) but i just noticed that I can see him in the reflection off the back glass.


Slylie, to each his own, but which polyops are you refering to, it may just be the color in the picture.


Von digity, my maintenance is not bad, the biggest thing that I do is top it off one or twice a day with water. From the second week of december until January 26, the only thing done was top off, two drops of liquid reactor daily, a few food granules one a week, as well as a few drops of reef plus.

I have been having an algie build up on the front glass, so about every two weeks i clean it up with a razor blade. I think I am going to do a few water changes and see if that helps cut down the glass algie. It is in my dorm room so there is no sink, so I am less inclined to do maintaince. But as you can see there was no water change during the time I was away and all was well. When I got back I did maybe a 1/4 gallon to raise the salinity up a bit, but thats it.


movingshadow, will keep updating, additions to the tank are in a holding pattern now because there are not reefers in Saratoga Springs that I know of, and its too cold to ship. Hopefull when I bring it home I will be able to add more.


C. Jerome

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It's great to see someone else with a well-established 2.5, good inspiration for all the other tiny tankers. The candycane and gsp in there look great. Any problems with gsp taking over the tank?

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Yes the GSP will take over, I try to keep it isolated on a rock. In this tank I have it growing on that coral skeleton in the top middle left, I let it cover that peice but not spread onto the base rock. However it did while i was away over break. To keep it incheck, i will try to pull some of the matt up with big tweezers, and then I use some kalk. paste. I put it down ontop of the GSP I dont want, leave it for a minute or so and then suction it up, and presto GPS is gone, it works really well and I would recomend it to any one. It is also good because you can use this method to just retreat the GSP spread over a rock if it has gone too far. If you have any questions let me know




PS: The GSP has spread to the back glass, I hope it keeps spreading there, that will be cool, but then I have to take one of the other clumps out, I feel like there is too much of it, but I dont have another tank here to move it into...

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Sorry about the lack of pictures. I have them hosted on my school's (Skidmore College) server and there was some problem this morning and the server was down, I think it is back on line so take another look. Let me know


C. Jerome

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